The brain is the most amazing organ of the human body. He controls our central nervous system, with his help we walk, talk, breathe, think.
Your brain is gray
Ever wondered what color your brain is? Hardly, if not working in the field of medicine.
Mozart's music makes you smarter
With the sounds of classical music, your lips are pressing, and you yourself feel exalted and cultured to the devil? Throw it.
The human brain is the biggest brain
Does brain size matter? Many animals use their brains to do some things that only people usually do - here and creativity, and self-awareness, and empathy, and the use of additional tools.
The ratio of brain size and intelligence is unimportant, the ratio of brain size and body weight is important. In humans, it is 1 to 50, in most mammals - 1 to 180, and in birds - 1 to 220. In humans, the brain weighs more than the animal, if taken on average.