Your energy is perceptible and when it’s out of alignment it creates an adverse energetic impact on yourself, others and the atmosphere.
This frequency you emit — wherever you go, whatever you do — can be serene and calming and pleasant if you’re feeling good, or messy and abrasive if you’re not.
It's creating your experience, and therefore creating your future. That’s why it’s key to know your energy, understand its nuances, and manage it effectively as best you can.
The beautiful thing is — you already and always know how to do this. You know when your energy is whack, and you feel it when you get those vibes which say, ‘wish I didn’t have to do this’ or ‘this really can wait’.
The key is though, are you listening? And do you act in accordance with these gut instincts?
Well, if you have trouble fully aligning to this guidance and acting on these ‘wouldn’t it be nice if..’ wonderments — rest easy—because the universe is supporting you in honing in on it, befriending it and working with it to cultivate increased emotional awareness and satisfaction.
In fact, it’s encouraging you.
Analyse this:
This week the Nodes shift positions starting an 18 month transit focused on taking care of our emotional well-being and relishing in a slower, intuitive, gut-feels way of operating.
Everyone has an individual North and South Node placement (for their lifetime),and collectively the Nodes shift every 18 months into a different sign, encouraging a collective advancement by embracing the qualities of the sign it’s transiting. (This is free will dependent, of course.)
The North Node represents the direction to orient to gain soul level fulfilment - your due north, if you will. These qualities will teach you (and surprise you), guiding you to expand and understand more of yourself and what you need to know to balance yourself, grow and thrive.
The last 18 months, the NN has been in Leo; representing our heart, our creative self expression, what makes us shine, our childlike spirit and the role we play centre stage in our life.
We learnt what we love, how big our heart can be and even if it hasn’t manifested yet — the seed has certainly been planted.
We’ve got new knowledge, and now this new NN placement encourages us(and makes easier for us) to nurture that knowledge and those lessons and take care of it/us now.
Currently the NN is in Cancer; of home, intuition, nurturing and emotional security.
The feels, basically.
Cancer is the mother, the love of someone who cares for you deeply and without compromise.
Cancer feels rich when their emotional needs are taken care of. This is the goal now and what we need to discover about ourselves during this transit.
What we need.
What brings us heartfelt contentment.
What we need to feel emotionally secure.
Cancer creates a beautiful home, a sanctuary. It need not be physical, but this is a place to restore and rest and — most importantly — feel safe.
The flipside of the North Node is the South Node, now in Capricorn.
The SN is what we’re leaving behind — old karma past due. Everything we’ve learned doesn’t work for us, but what can linger and hold us back. Old patterns and ways of doing things.
Capricorn is the relentless worker. The long, long hours and dogged determination to achieve. They’re also (generally speaking) experts at compartmentalising emotions to deal with when the work is done and the goals are achieved. (That’s to say — in no particular hurry).
Capricorn has their reasons. We all do.
But the question here is:
Is it working for us?
Do these compromises make us feel better?
What you did (SN) is different towhere you’re heading (NN).
North Node in Cancer is an invitation to try a different approach — one which prioritises emotional safety and a slower, more intuitive way of processing and reacting — to see how it works for you.
Cancer is sensitive — as a water sign — and psychic too, as well as incredibly caring and empathic. This placement, being a collective energy will increase these sensitivities in all of us.
Your honesty in how you feel will be received with compassion and understanding, and if it doesn’t that’s a SN in Cap response, which is that persons karma and your challenge to see what your heart true priorities are now.
Others may need to learn through you.
What will you choose?
How will your react?
Emotional resonance becomes the goal. It’s not about how you’re publicly perceived or received (Capricorn values), but about how YOU feel in YOUR HEART.
Trust what feels right.
An amazing thing happens when you prioritise your needs. You send out an energetic message to the universe that you matter — that your feelings matter — that they’re important and absolutely worth investing in.
This may be a complete one-eighty of what you’ve always done, so will come with a period of adjustment (We’ve got 18 months to adapt here).
As a result of this shift in priorities, you’ll attract new experiences as a result,likely reflecting the new standard you’ve set about what is acceptable for you, and encouraging more serenity and fulfilment into your day to day.
In your respite you’ll either discover a better route to where you wanted to go/needed to do, or realise you didn’t even have to/want to go there anyway.
You don’t need to explain yourself.
You don’t need words to feel.
You’re simply in yourself, being kind to yourself in a way you need someone to be caring and considerate when you wake up and are so drained that the thought of work or going out or meeting that person is just plain unwanted.
The feels are the focus.
Prioritise your feels.
Adjust your frequency.
Take the day.