The subjectivity of beauty

in #life7 years ago

Who does not like beautiful things, beautiful people, everything well done everything in its place, it seems something very simple you're cute or cute or you're not, it's that simple right?, the matter is that people are not that simple and especially what we understand as beauty is something that tends to much subjectivity, although for many this is something strange since most have a very similar concept of beauty, but you would not need to do much research to realize how much the opinion of people differs.

Do yourself an experiment choose someone that seems good looking, a moderately attractive boy or girl, but without exaggeration, that from 1 to 10 is a 6-7 according to your opinion, and now begin to ask people close to you if they think that person has beauty or not, and you will be surprised to realize that there are conflicting opinions and that several people will have different perspectives.

Now repeat the same experiment but with famous actors, choose an artist of your choice whether male or female and ask the people close to you if that person seems attractive to them.

Incredible right? There are many different opinions, for which you can check for yourself how subjective beauty is, and that beauty is not a specific or objective characteristic of a person as such, but also depends on the perception of the other person, as the saying goes beauty is in the eyes of the one who sees.

Examples of this can also be seen in the history, since at least here in Latin America, many people may find it more attractive to Caucasian if it is possible to have light hair and eyes, than another person with a certain indigenous, African or mixted race. this is not because one race is more attractive than another, no, this happens this way because it is the Caucasian race that has for a long time dominated the other races for which the Caucasian people have imposed themselves as the superior race, as the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the best, which is not necessarily a reality but an unfounded perception for many years that has permeated society and is still in us.

The objective reality is that we can all be attractive or not, depending on how we relate with any possible partner, and how this partner is related to you, the human being is a strange and complex being that can come to feel sexual attraction for trees and cars, that although these are extreme cases and Very rare and you will hardly see it in your life time, the point I want to reach is that beauty as such does not exist, is an idea, surely there are some people that find you attractive and you don’t know it, as well as you may not seem attractive to some others and that has nothing to do with you, it's just their perspective, love and accept yourself as you are and surely other people will also do the same, even if it sounds cliché this is more real than believing that you are ugly or cute because it is or because you are like that, since this is not a characteristic that you can measure with yes or no, or in an objective manner, and if you do not believe me, check it out on your own and you will be surprised.

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