Defense mechanism ( unconscious behavior relieve anxiety )

in #life8 years ago

There is a variety of deference mechanism ( Ego defense ) people do it daily , in home , work even in social website like steemit , you can pick up a defense mechanism in most of long conversation or discussion .

Since i am student in medical school , self deference mechanism is the most interesting and helpful topic in psychiatric , it helped me understand human interaction more and to spot an involuntary defense mechanism right a way when i hear it , it is very interesting what people will do when expose to variable harmful stimuli .

What is defense mechanism ?

  • It is involuntary or unconscious behavior show up with specific tiger ( harmful or unpleasant stimuli ) to reduce anxiety .
  • It is not a disease and it can happen from healthy or unhealthy people , after you read list bellow you will spot some happened to you and other around you in different occasion .

List of most common defense mechanism

  • Immature defense mechanism

shifting emotion to another person
ex : your boss shouting without good reason at you because his boss did the same , you went to home angry and pick up an unreasonable fight with your wife .

Related image

Acting out
it is outburst with actions to cover up reality
ex : women smash dishes in the kitchen because she break up with her boyfriend

Reaction formation
converting negative stimuli or unwanted idea to it is opposite
ex :

avoiding awareness of a painful reality fact
ex : steemian had only 2 upvote in his blog after 23 hours and he is tilling him self that his blog under evaluated till now but will get 300 upvote in 24 hours .
Image result for defence mechanisms

doing socially unacceptable behavioral and instead of facing it you seen in the actions of other people .
ex : man have affair with coworker always accuse his wife of cheating on him .

making excuse to avoid painful reality fact
ex : student failed in exam claiming that because his teacher hates him

using intellectual thinking and discussion to avoid simple reality
ex : young man diagnosed with terminal un operable lung cancer spent the night searching and talking about surgical procedures and how it have amazing concept .

put the people in tow category , all good or all bad
ex : all nurses from night shift are horrible and all nurses in morning shift is good

  • Mature

Turning painful stimuli to be more acceptable by humor
ex : look at stand up comedy when someone talk about abuse in his childhood and make it funny

Avoiding painful guilt feeling by charity
Owner of cigarette company give large amount of money to lung cancer center .

changing unacceptable behavioral to acceptable one
ex : Pyromaniac ( person with impulse control defect ) start to work at Hollywood to blow things up for movie

At the end pic credit to google with humor , I hope I didn’t rationalize it and you liked it without reaction formation and if so do not deny , if you splitting don’t put me in your dark list , maybe you are thinking that this blog is a projection from me , maybe you are right :)
So only if you really like this blog and think other should know about defense mechanism .
upvote , resteemit and follow
Cheers Steemian


Wow there sure are a lot of them!

Hi @kyusho , thnx for input bor

Nice blog , interesting Araki

Thnx @xman , glad you find it useful :)