Hi all, steemit community! This is Arami from Seoul, South Korea. I move back and forth Seoul and Jeju island
My interests are as the following :
- foreign languages and cultures
- music and movies
- traveling on land and under the sea
- yoga/pilates and surfing
- cats/kittens
I will write about these things in general. Nice to meet you all! Below is the picture of me and my kitten Mikan.
안녕하세요 스팀잇 커뮤니티 여러분 ^^ 서울과 제주를 오가는 아라미입니다. 제 주요 관심사는 다음과 같습니다.
- 외국어, 세계 문화
- 음악, 영화
- 여행 (육지와 바다)
- 요가, 필라테스, 서핑
- 고양이 (냥이)
앞으로 위와 같은 주제로 포스팅을 할 예정입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다! 아래는 제 반려묘인 미깡이랑 저에요. (>_<)
Cats can predict earthquakes. We humans are not 100% sure how they do it. There are several different theories.
Fun fact! No wonder cats have many lives. :D They are the most awesome creatures in the world - including big cats! What's your favorite cat like?
A cat has two vocal chords, and can make over 100 sounds.
lol I didn't know that. I love the chattering sound my kitten makes.
The female cat reaches sexual maturity within 6 to 10 months; most veterinarians suggest spaying the female at 5 months, before her first heat period. The male cat usually reaches sexual maturity between 9 and 12 months.
awwww nap time
your cat is lovely too!
thank you
오늘은 맘이라도 짱짱하게 먹고있어야겠어요
너무 추워요
ㅎㅎㅎ짱짱맨 감사해요!! 감기 조심하세요^^
OMG! you are very cuteee!!
Thanks! Your gato daniel is cute too :)