I believe your Person is one who is even more than a boyfriend or girlfriend. Boyfriends can come and go. Your Person knows you profoundly and deeply- sometimes ist a sibling or even a parent. Sometimes it is your boyfriend, or it may be your best friend. Sometimes its your spouse. Its the One who knows you even better than you know yourself...
My Person was stuck on the other side of the country. And even if he were closer, Winter Storm Polly was killing people by the hundreds daily- there is no way I would have allowed him on the roads that weekend. He felt helpless and very apologetic that he couldn't do more, but to be completely honest his talking me down was a life saver- no lie. He was there for me through all five days of my panic- day and night, from immediately after the wreck until I finally arrived safe and sound. I am forever grateful and it helped immensely and I believe saved my life. And sanity.
I am sure you are correct on that, it is ingrained pretty sharply on my mental files ;)