Value of life-- a poem against unjust killings

in #life7 years ago


We all believed
Even when deceived
We all have a talent
Some show it readily
Other leave it pent
Gifts we were told it was
Then we used it hungrily
Without thinking of a pause

I felt fly like superman
Feeling stronger than Hanuman
Eagerness to please
Ate me all up
Love, adoration and praise
From ladies of different race
Gave me motivation
Gravity was no match to my ascension

It never dawned on me
The reality I needed to see
Cos I had thought myself
None other than a god
Power clouding me like fog
As I became above ever logic


All it took was blood
And my fathers words
Broke through my blood
“The fluidity of water can't stop the thickness of blood”
I had watched young Blake die
His blood ozing out
I felt it in my marrow
All cos I failed to save him with talent
They say talent was meant to help
Mine killed,
How had the mighty fallen
From a hero to a zero
From good to boo

I was called the magnifico
But now am the insignifico
I believed so much in my talent
Even when the elders said to me
“life is more important than price
There is always a price for decisions”
I had put the price of my talent over life
My decision had cost a life
I have learned an important lesson
The value of life.

Thank you for reading this poem, it directed to those that thinks they are above the law and their fellow human being, in Nigeria death has become a norm, herdsmen killing human beings, boko haram insurgent and kidnapping by ritualists and so on…..


Lets all realize that life is more important than our power, money, wealth and possessions. Please learn to be your brothers keeper. Cos you have what another doesn't, does not mean you are better….