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RE: Just a mediocre story

in #life7 years ago

Good story, ..
Ordinary story but very sad
It turns out you are sick all this time, I do not know you are sick and have to rest while taking medication a week at home.

all that your wife recommends to rest in her destination home for your health.

why does the jenara lose the Steemit account? What efforts has he made to return his account, Will the owner of Steemit be able to return a jinara account?

yes I also agree that can not restore the account can be re-registered with a new account, but must start from the first again.

I hope you heal well and be healthy again, I just order it to always maintain health because the price is very expensive.

Success for you, hopefully fast healthy


Thank you,
Yup, Jenara should create a new account
Success for you to :)