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RE: Ten reasons I'm going to quit smoking — and how I plan to do it

in #life7 years ago

I congratulate you on the good purpose of quitting smoking.
First I will tell you, my smoking grandmother, she is 96 years old. At 84 we asked the doctor to deny him the right to smoke. He did not tell her that. On leaving we asked for explanation and told us that it can not be radical, because then the grandmother, will fall into a state of anxiety and this will lead to a depression. He said: "your whole body is healthy, just a little memory loss."
We tried another advice to take orange peels, toast a little and grate it. One teaspoon of the powder, we put it in his glass of orange juice in the mornings. A few days he made very short vomits. Then, as if by magic: when he lit the cigarette, only the smell, made him want to vomit and so, he left the cigarette. About 10 years ago. Today she does not remember if she smoked and is still healthy.
You can try!
A greeting with affection and luck in your new purposes.Hi, @pilcrow


Ha, that sounds like an interesting trick. Thanks for letting me know :D