What Is Going On In Our Country?!

in #life29 days ago

I rarely write about things like this because I hate being argumentative and I'm now more of an observer even though I'm highly opinionated and used to be more expressive about things such as this. But I am so upset and in a weird way confused as why nothing about this is being done so here goes nothing.....
What the hell is going on with all the animal killings? And don't come at me telling me that I consume meat and dairy and had chickens. I'm talking about the cat, dog and bird killings for consumption or god knows what that have been happening since our borders became a slip and slide?
I just got done reading about the swan that was killed and eaten in Central Park. This swan was a beloved pet and landmark of all those who frequented this park in New York. The government and news denies this happening although their are many witnesses and videos (X and TikTok have plenty).
You know what they say about rotten apples contaminating the whole barrel? Well we are about to become one whole rotten barrel unless something is done about this. And please don't say I'm racist or something of the sort. I'm a first generation US Citizen. But my parents worked hard and didn't go around killing pigeons and neighborhood cats to feed our family. These people are mentally insane. It's proven the majority of them are the "unwanteds" of wherever they came from. And I'm not generalizing one country or other. There is trash in every country but they are ridding themselves of all the criminals by gifting them to us.
And don't even get me started on the freebies they get because as I business owner let me tell you just medical care and expenses are killing me.....
Off my soapbox now.
What's your opinion on this?