Are you accepting your existing limited situation and don’t expect anything more? If so, why are you accepting less than what you deserve?
What is stopping you from obtaining your dream?
- You’re afraid to take action?
- Or you feel really satisfied in your circumstances!
I heard a story years ago:
It was about this little bird who was emigrating from one country to a warmer climate.
He had forgotten to eat enough before leaving on flight. And after a long time he grew tired and struggled to keep flying. He was so exhausted, that he didn’t realize that he had entered a storm cloud.
This was too much for him and he fell towards the earth. And where did he land? He landed in a cow-pie. He had fallen through a hole in a barn’s roof.
He was so hurt; he happily stayed in the soft comfortable pie to recover. But as time passed, he no longer want to leave the pie, it was so lovely warm and comfy.
In fact he was quite happy living in the manure. He no longer wanted to accept anything else. Perhaps this was all he was meant to have.
Where the opportunity to walk out of the old barn and fly off into the blue sky and go places seemed too much trouble. So he snuggled down further into the muck and thought why bother.
And he stayed there until the worms in the pie ate him and the farmer scraped out the muck!
And here is another story:
There was once a farmer who saved the life of an eagle.
He found this wounded eagle and mended its wing. Putting it in a cage to recover quietly on its own, he looked after and feed it often.
And when it was well enough he put it in with his fowls, in their coop. Where it ate and slept with the fowls and grew really healthy.
Then came the day when the farmer tried to get it to fly.
He took the eagle out of the fowl run and put it on his gloved hand. With the flick of his arm, he tried to dislodge the bird and make it fly. At the same time he said, “Fly”, but the bird hung on and won’t fly.
Oh, he thought, maybe the bird isn’t ready to fly, so he waited a couple more weeks and tried again. And again the bird wouldn’t fly. He even talked lovingly to the bird to encourage it. Nothing happened.
So again he gave it more time to recover. And yet again it wouldn’t fly. Maybe, thought the farmer, it thinks he is a fowl, because it’s been living with the fowls for far too long.
So he set the eagle on a high pole and tried to get it to fly. Still nothing happened. The bird looked somewhat scared.
“Oh,” said the farmer again, “See those birds flying high over those mountains, they are eagles just like you!” And with that the farmer pushed him off his high perch, considering that’s what mother eagle generally do.
The bird fell off the perch and had to put out his wings to save himself… and he flew. And at that moment he understood he wasn’t a fowl anymore. He was in fact an eagle with power under his wings.
- Do you still feel comfortable in your situation?
- Are you waiting to be `pushed off your perch'?
What is your ‘fly’ option?
What have you been wanting and hoping for, for so long?
- What’s stopping you?
There is so much we would like to do in this life.
Is there any changes can you make, so you can `fly’?
Now is the time to invest in your life.
I believe dreams are what keep you alive and you feel like it is worth living. If you take someone's dream from him then he/she has no life.
Yes, I am trying to follow my dreams doing everything which I could to achieve them.
Dreams are composed of a stream of our thoughts. Every person should have a basic dream. But do not forget to share the path to the main dream for a few small goals. It is by achieving small goals that we can approach the big one.
The main problem of ordinary people is that they do not materialize their thoughts. Man's thoughts are material. Some people do not see opportunities around them. They lock themselves into a cell of doubt, they create non-existent barriers. I think that to achieve a dream we must get rid of internal fears and barriers. Awareness of the fact that your life in your hands will change consciousness.
Thoughts are material, so we need to look around more. It is in everyday life that we are surrounded by opportunities.
Thank you, I liked your article
Some one once said, "We must look up, think higher thoughts."
For a start, most eagles have nests high up in tall trees or high up on craggy cliffs. I suppose those eagle parents give their children a better `lift off' chance!
Dreams are your virtual reality, make them true by giving your soul to the cause of it ..My dream is to make people smile, be it by any means..i love humans and i want them happy, i am writing to make people understand what i feel for them, and Im sure many love it...I love it..Im sometimes afraid to live them but my soul actually yearns to live them..So i will live them
If you live each day like it was your last, and see only the good in everything, joy fills your heart. You achieve more when you're happy.
I have put my dream thing in my posts, please do have a look at the.m, i have taken a lot of inspiration from you
very inspiring..i agree with you, sometimes man likes to be in comfort zone .. if he try more he can get his. but he was too scared to try ..I remember the phrase someone who once said to me, dreaming as high as the sky then you will fall among the stars .. its mean is when you try hard then you will get reward. unconsciously you have become a more advanced person because of your own efforts.keep dreaming and hard work my friend, get out of your comfort zone then one day you will enjoy the results
I love what you said: to ...fall among the stars.. Great thought, thank you.
I will look up, more often, at the stars in future!
I think I am but it changes all the time haha. I just try and do what I feel that will give me the most enjoyment for the time being and adjust when I feel it is time for a new challenge.
Taking up challenges is part of `flying', you're right.
I did art commissions that were very challenging... and the result ...they were my greatest triumphs!
Perfect examples.
We just have to leave our safe place and start flying. It is somewhat true that extreme difficult get out the best in people. We have to put ourselves in situation where we can't look back.
Forward is the only way.
both the stories are awesome and inspiring, i agree with the term that we all want comfort and love to live in comfort, without doing any work but when the time comes to earn for oneself or family you do open your wings and start working or earning... that's what life is...
This is inspirational,I believe you have to step out from your comfort zone to achieve your dreams,don't be satisfied with where you are for long,move forward ,don't stay too long in one spot.
Yes, we sometimes sit in a `rut' and committed to old comfy habits.
As an artist, its very easy to do the some old techniques over and over again. We need to try out new techniques, to breathe new life into our paintings.
I'm trying to follow my dreams even that it's make it harder and harder
If we work hard and effectively, we have a better chance of improving our lives.
I must confess, this post is the most motivational post i've ever read here on steemit.
This clearly tells us that not everyone around you is fit for helping you achieve your dreams. We don't need to dwell in the midst of friends who makes us feel like chickens instead of making us feel like eagles.
Follow your dreams only if you know, what are your real dreams and not day dreams. If you get the difference. Once you know that what you dream is your ultimate passion, GO AHEAD! No looking back. But before that make sure it's not in the heat of the moment.
Agree with what you said.
The post was intended to inspire people, to each his or her own projection.
Am following my dream though at times like any human being, get exhausted and at times lazy along the way where a close and real friend is needed to help me move on with a focused mind to the fulfilment of my dreams.
Yes, we do get complacent at times. But every now and again we need inspiration to stir us up to do something that makers a difference in our lives.
True! And Very well said.
Yes, people often do tend to feel powerless instead of taking action to solve their problems or improve their mediocre situation. Often, we need very little effort to achieve something great but we are too afraid to go out of our comfort zone and do it.
Very nice stories, although the ending of the little bird is quite brutal. Cheers! : )
A positive attitude can really make dreams come true. Dreams are very important in your life. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.