So much work goes into writing a really good blog and then no one adds a comment! Why? What went wrong?
Fantastic info:
I’ve read some really great blogs, truly well written with good grammar. But by the time I got to the bottom of the topic, I realized why no one had responded to them with comments.
It’s so sad. Such a pity they had left out the most important ingredients.
The missing ingredients:
Factual info, correct and authentic… but the whole blog had gloomy undertones.
- If you declare a problem please supply a happy ending or supply feasible answers to the problem. People are hopeful and love happy endings. They expect them. So don’t let them down.
- If it’s a bad habit we all fall into doing. We can relate to that. But add humour it, so we can all laugh at ourselves.
- Spice up the blog by adding quirky elated jaunty statements to brighten up the souls that read it. Friendships are built on sharing happiness.
Getting people to think:
There are different ways to get people to think more deeply about something. Enough to make a comment on it. Basically:
- Ask questions. But be prepared to answer them. Well do your best anyway, because if you reply to comments people are more likely to come back again. It’s like striking up friendships.
- Consider what happens in the reality of life and put a new spin on it. Suggest a theory or supply a demo of how to fix it.
- Make a `tongue in cheek’ statement that will stir people into declaring their own thoughts on the matter.
How do people relate to what is written?
You may know your facts, but how do you put them across?
There are people out there sitting in front of their computers. Remember the human factor. You are playing with people’s emotions.
- What do people desire most out of life? Happiness, wealth, comfort, social acceptance, etc.
- What are people seeking on the internet? Helpful info, news, fun, laughter, etc.
- What do you desire most? Maybe other people want that too.
Are you supplying any of those needs in your blogs?
Be prepared to think too!
No matter what people may think, life isn’t all about us. It’s about other people. Serving others, caring about others and what’s happening in their lives.
The moment we shift our thinking to others, our own world becomes a brighter, happier place to be. Strange but so very true!
Try it. You just go out and visit someone (maybe take a small gift with you) and talk about happy things and laugh together. And then see what happens after that…
The punchline:
That is what blogging on the internet is all about: Handing out gifts of interesting info, entertainment and sharing fun and laughter!
Why don't people comment on their blogs? The reason is they haven't tried to be connected to other people through comments. Steemit is all about making relations. I also feel sad for those people who are putting great effort in making an awesome blog post, but first learn the rule and then make some content. Make relations with the people through comments. Add value to others, and then others will add value to your journey.
And what is in the shop window? To make people want to go in and buy!
And once in the shop, is there anything exciting to buy? Is all the stock grey and dull?
Another brilliant and well written regarding how to make your blogs captivating and interesting in order to receive favourable responses. The points you talked about which will make blogs exciting are pretty minor things but have a massive affect on the nature of the blog and people's replies. We should make sure that blogs end happily and are full. If the blogs are not complete and neither have a happy ending people get frustrated and neglect your work. Thanks for sharing @artguru. Very helpful.
Yes, humour may seem a little thing, but it does have a big impact on people's sensitivity to what we write.
Dwar Guru ji your efforts regarding g love and devotion is outstanding easily attracting attention of the mass I am big fan if your sense of humour and some of them still amazed how beautiful you write with the help of your main post.
Good luck.
I must admit it's hard to add humour to more serious blogs. But a few jaunty remarks can help just a little... somewhat!
I like the way you keep helping this community bringing in the whole knowledge of how to be a perfect blogger
Sometimes I worry that I'm chirping too much on the same theme topic. But sometimes things been said in different ways helps to clarify important facts. Because we all see and understand things in different ways.
I just love these helpful and info full article of yours @artguru. They are so well written. I hardly see any error and that is the reason i get attracted to them. Indeed anyone would get attracted to them. The content realated to the steps making your blogs interesting and attractive is very good. We should use happy endings because readers usually encourage them. Moreover the starts should be the most attractive and eye catching. Keep up the good work.
I try not to make mistakes. But often miss them somehow and they slip passed me! Sorry.
I suppose I'm only human after all!
I personally don't like long blogs and writers don't need to show their skills with a long blog. This is very boring (I am a reader), and the most important thing is that they have to appreciate small fish to give a little appreciation. Small fish are hungry fish like me, hahaha. I like your way @artguru! And, 100% I agree with you about humor. Regards!
Oh, I thought your were a horse. And I can see you running freestyle (writing too)!
The biggest reason no one is reading your blog because your blogs are so Long..people likely short blogs.....and other reason is you are not connecting peoples in one knows its there.....and you commenting other blogs that have the same target audience as you......your posts is no bad...your posts is so cool...dear..
Just concerned about others losing out on their wonderful blogs that could do better.
We must be there for each other, where it's possible.
I totally agree with my friend, sometimes it also depends on the time it is published.
But the key is to make content that helps others.
nice art
very nice