Hi Stimi, friends! Today I will solve the following question: I can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time as so many nutritionists promise (in exchange for a quantity of money, of course!)
The answer is NO! (At least without magic pills) And not because I want to say it, if not for fucking biology, let's move on to a quick explanation:
The consumption of fat occurs when your body is in caloric deficit, as it does not have enough calories (matter) to regenerate and grow, cannibalize itself, consuming fats, and to a greater or lesser extent depending on genetic factors / rest / feeding of the proteins that are in the muscle.
You can not gain muscle because you lack the necessary nutrients to grow, the body does what it can with the materials you give it, it can not build muscle from nothing.
The opposite happens when you are in surplus, when you break and stress the muscle, it has to recover, and since it has enough nutrients (matter) it uses them to regenerate and strengthen them so that they can adapt to the effort made in the future.
The excess, which always will be, because it is difficult to have everything calculated to the mm, will accumulate in the form of fat you want or not.
This information is taken from books on nutrition and biology that do not promise miracle diets. If you have any questions, comment and I will try to help you.
I hope friends have helped you! ^^
great info you have there 💪, let me add on a little that beside than physically healthy we need to have mentality in good state to achieve optimum health.