You mean that sweet fruit I eat?
That thing you do where you get to go out with your significant other and enjoy each others' time without this happening:
We could have either dwelled on it and been upset (Which I won't lie, we were both kind of upset, we had been craving a date for quite some time) or make the best out of the situation. It is what it is, right? We got the kids to bed, got some adult beverages, put phones away, and enjoyed some time together.
Okay, okay, so this was technically the next day, I just really like this one
It was not how I originally planned the night, but have to say it was nice to laugh with this great guy of mine, and a bit of a friendly reminder of just why I love him so much.
What do you couples who don't get a lot of dates do to enjoy each others time? I'd love to hear!
Now that our kids are old enough to be left home with each other, we go on less dates! Haha! But really, being a stay at home mom with a disabled husband who is also at home...we spend a lot of time together. It's amazing how well we get along really, being together almost 24/7. We did go out to eat last Sonic. Haha!!!
Sorry your date got cancelled. Hope you get another opportunity soon!!
Man, I would totally take a sonic date! Haha! I can relate, we spend a lot of time together as well, but feels like any time we start a conversation it's interrupted with "mommm I'm ready for you to wipe my butt!" Or ya know, something poop, booger, or snot related. Lol. But we try and make the best of it.
Thanks! I do know if we don't get one at least our anniversary is coming up, we usually get to do something for that :)
Nice post! You are a genius. Keep it up!
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