If you've read my blog a little bit by now, you know that I've been having a tad bit of a hard time.
And I realized something this morning.
Steemit makes me a better person.
Like really.
How so Ashley?
Well let me tell you!
My Own Verbal Vomiting
The purging of my thoughts and emotions onto the digital screen has been an integral part to me dipping down into my own feelings and moving through them.
And also the whole confessing up to the darkest shiz hiding in my being and not being ashamed to express it all on here, has REALLY fast-forwarded the accepting myself for all who I am part.
Because what it boils down to is the complete acceptance of all who I am and what I am doing is where peace REALLY lies.
Kind Words, Recognition And Digital Love From Steemians
Fuck, the connection, compassion and kindness I've felt from people hanging out on this platform and taking the time to reply a deepfelt genuine comment is just FUCKING AMAZING.
Not only do you help me feel good about me being myself and expressing my shit but also by giving me the feeling that I am ACTUALLY doing something good on here!
It is so beautiful to see the change in my own energy when I get a kind message with encouraging words from a fellow human being participating on this wonderful digital platform.
Feeling Profound Compassion
By connecting with SO many people on Planet Steemt, I come into contact with A LOT of different nationalities, lifestyles, ideologies, ways of thinking and a whole heap of other ways that people express themselves, and it has brought me such a deep level of compassion, empathy and understanding, it's pretty damn incredible.
And by bowing down to that compassionate space, it allows for a well of acceptance to really come alive within myself.
This means I feel a way deeper sense of satisfaction, joy, acceptance and understandin for myself and my own situation.
Like seriously.
Do I really have to complain about my life?
I am a rice-mylk drinking, happy with her man, expressive blockchain blogger who's living in a great city (albeit grey and rainy but that's not the point here) that can financially look after herself, enjoy amazing food and am surrounded by people that truly love me.
In reality, there is not much wrong with my life.
And by reading the stories of others who are living in places that are a lot 'worse' due to so many factors put together, it just makes me feel grateful to be here.
Don't get me wrong. I don't feel sorry for them.
They inspire me with their positivity by being in such dismal situations (sometimes) and they make me want to move forward in life so I can help them where I can help them.
Make Me Do My Shit
I can't really believe this but Steemit inspires me to make my life a much better place than it is.
Simple things like cleaning up my room, making my desk a bit nicer, eating healthy (so I have energy to get my brain pumping) and just generally owning up to my own responsibilities and not lagging behind on stuff.
If I don't time manage properly, I lose out on precious time to do Steemit things and seen as this space is MEGA important to me, I cannot allow THAT to happen.
So yes, I do my shit so I can fully BE on here.
Found A Long-Term Commitment
Steemit, I have dedicated my life to you.
For the very first time in my life, I have found something that I can really DO something with.
I have buttloads of energy, ideas and reasons that I want to be on here.
But most of all, it's because on here, I am being part of something new, something not done before, something that little old me can make an impact on, something that gives my life fucking meaning!
Plus Humans Of Steemit is probably the best brainbaby idea I have ever had!
Steemit, you make me a better person for all of what this is and all that you are and all that I am making of this.
Here to stay.
Photo is a self portrait
BIG love,
@ashleykalila Many people have found steem platform very lucrative and helpful, to many their social life have boosted but we should not allow steem to affect our communication with the outside world. I wish you more success. @theheralds
I understand what you mean but I feel that it has greatly helped me in even clearer communication in real life! :)
steem on dear
To his point and to yours.
I find that steemit does allow me to feel more confident in my arts and like you put up there verbal vomiting.
I can't do that on Facebook or any other platform now, you have to much family and close friends to give you a hard time and not properly support what you do.
Loving the post Ashley :) got a new follower here.
Thank you dear!
te inspiraste en este post, pero asi es! un mundo diferente donde compartes muchas cosas con muchas personas.
Gracias :)
what ever makes you feel happy , if it works it works :)
Exactly! :)
super dat je jezelf terug gevonden heb en dat jouw energie de juiste richting in vloeit, mooi gezegd dat je geen sorry vind voor anderen maar dat ze u inspireren, heel goede mindset, keep on moving.
Dank je voor je lieve woorden! :)
nice post
please upvote & comment my post.
nice work for this i resteem,pliz,do for my favour if u think for betterment
“We read to know we are not alone.” C.S. Lewis
good job
muy hermosa!! interesante tus publicaciones, te he dado votos, espero sigas adelante, estoy a la orden, saludos.