It's actually pretty amazing how fucking crazy I sometimes get.
The level of mad hatter madness is pretty damn high I can tell you!
So this is what happened!
It took a full month to ground down back into my body and life after my 10 day silent retreat, which I celebrated by a weekend of dancing with a full heart in the outside air! Felt so liberating to be back to being myself.
After my crazy little weekend, my body was unusually sore and massively tired! But hey, it was TOTALLY worth it!
So now it's time to work, and my gosh, it was the most hectic day I have EVER had.
Making coffees NON STOP for 8 hours.
Didn't even go to the toilet or sit down for the ENTIRE time!
Which totally wasn't the problem but being a sensitive soul, I pick up a shit ton of energies and when you've spoken to hundreds of people in one day, the boundaries of what is your energy and their energy gets MASSIVELY blurred!
Fast forward to me coming home to my lovely man, and I am being all happily fragile yet SO joyful to see him.
But with a tummy rumbling of hunger which would have made me eat a live squirrel if you had told me to.
Oh did I mention the impending monthly bleed which is causing my womanly hormones to go a little haywire??
And then, the inevitable happens.
A tiny little irritation on his front towards me happens and BAM! I go straight into FULL ON crazy woman modus!
From deep sadness to fiery anger to a little pyscho ( if I say so myself ) to massive distrust towards him! All within a space of 10 minutes.
A woman experiencing all the seasons of feelings in a super short space of time!
And the man, bless his beautiful loving wide open heart, was just looking at me with utter disbelief and total compassion, because it seemed like his woman has just temporarily turned into a dragon fox hybrid.
Thank goodness, I had the fucking sense of self-awareness to take a long breathe and see that maybe I was over exaggerating, just a tad.
I made myself have a warm shower and breathe a little, and guess what?
It all dissipated and I fell back into my love space.
In which I saw that absolutely NOTHING was wrong.
I was back to being myself, just a little frazzled.
When I looked my man in the eyes for the first time after my episode and shower, he had this cheeky smile on his face that was saying ' What was that, you crazy sweet woman of mine?? Have you calmed the fuck down now?'
We laughed together, a little nervous, a little relieved.
I took COMPLETE responsibility for my episode that was OFF the charts on the emotional scale.
I vented my insides to him like verbal vomit.
Had a good cuddle to move us both back into love and we were even better, deeper in love and closer than ever before.
The lesson here is to check in with myself more often, take more breaths and ground into my body before I let these kind of feelings take centre stage of my life show for a while.
I wrote this a few months ago but I wanted to share this on here because I think it's good to show all of who you are. All parts of ourselves that pop up on our strange twisty journey called life. Including the crazy side!
Have you ever felt like a dragon fox hybrid?
Ever had moments that your emotional craziness went OFF the charts?
BIG love,
I can totally relate from your man's point of view!!
My sweet woman is already high strung, always wound too tight, and sometimes the smallest inconvenience can push her into I blurry fit of rage!
Usually though, after a shower, or a Xanax or some smokey smoke and a Netflix romantic chick flick session, she is chilled out and can speak rationallly, and use complete sentences once again.
I just loved your descriptive terms describing yourself. It hit home for me.
I guess we all need some time to cool down and level out.
Very well spoken, I love it!
Resteemed and followed but my voting power is low. I'm trying to let my VP recover.
Very entertaining post girl, THANKS!!
Thanks for the comment :)
We womenfolk can sometimes be strange can't we? hihihi
Still you love us right? ;)
Thanks for the comment :)
We womenfolk can sometimes be strange can't we? hihihi
Still you love us right? ;)
I’m definitely going through some big changes right now. I went off on my man (recently turned ex) and decided that while IN the argument was the best time to tell him I’m pregnant.
The very next day he broke it off. Now I’m scared and own my feelings but surfaced from fear of going through this time alone.
It’s hard being a woman with all the feelings that come with it.
You’re so blessed to have an understanding and loving relationship. It gives me hope
I am blessed now but back then I thought it was never going to get better.
Hang in there, things always work out
Love that!
We are all crazy my dear.... it is what makes us all so brilliantly unique!
Plus everyone gets it now and then ;)
Best to just show it and get it all out in the open.
Then we can be crazy all together!
True Story!!! hehehehe :)
True Story!!! :) hehehehe xxx
Lol, nicely done!! CRAZY shit, hehe :):)
Thaaanks :) :) hihi
Wow! Directly from the soul.
Your writing is beautiful. I look forward to your writing.
Thank you!
Your writing is beautiful. I look forward to your writing.
Wow. Awesome post