Young Generation is the spearhead of a nation that determines the next leadership relay that determines the direction of a nation and determines whether or not a nation will progress. Therefore it is that which can revive the young generation for a nation if the young generation is good then a nation will be good but if the young generation is bad then bad a nation. Youth is a very productive period in which a young spirit that has strong physical condition as a milestone of a nation. In addition, human youth can do things productively with high creativity. In his youth there were many inventions-newly generated gamers. But in the development of an increasingly modern era of this young generation of this nation digested morals and morals. The era should be more modern moral and morality of the nation's younger generation to be even better. Moreover, this nation will get a great gift that is a very young generation, a very productive generation very much. From now on it should be prepared carefully matured young generation to maintain the identity of this nation and virtuous who have good morals and morals. "Give me a thousand parents then I will unplug semeru, give me 10 youth then I will yump the world" Ir.Soekarno Quoting from the words of the pearl of the proclaimer of this nation that is Ir.Soekarno is a very important young generation for this nation one example that is into 3 NKRI namely B.J Habibie is one of the great geniuses of a great young man and even the world to pick him up. Right now the struggle of the previous generation will be continued by the next generation. But now this young generation of this nation will replace their identity and the task as a young generation today is very little young that morals and morals begin to erode. Parents should be mentors, supervisors and children's guides who are preoccupied with a work so that they are not hayal children who become his successor. Parents are also the environment around which becomes the determinant of the good of the young generation of this nation in the future. There are several factors that logically deteriorate the moral and akhlak of this nation's are as follow:
• Family environment
The family wing is the first and foremost fortress of a child to avoid the negative things of today's development. But when the parents are too busy working so forget the obligation of a parent for his child then the child will be lonely therefore the child will look for other things as a substitute for his parents. Therefore make the family environment as possible and as comfortable as possible so that the child will be comfortable be with a parent and will not do anything negative.
• Community Environment Community environment also determines how the young generation for the future. If the society is good then the young generation will also be good so if the bad community environment then the young generation will be bad. This happens because when the child comes out of the house with whom he befriends and what his friends like if his friend is good then he will also be good but if his friend is bad then he will gradually join his friend. As a parent plays a role in supervising the child's interaction and monitoring who the child's friends are, whether good or bad, bad friends as parents continue to advise children to make friends with good friends and not be affected by their bad friends.
• Watch and Music Spectacle and music are the cause of the bad and the moral decline of the young generation of this nation why is that? Because now the modern era of children with unlimited access to the internet and no age and even children to watch content that is not the time he watched without the filter and supervision of a more mature person. Furthermore the spectacle comes from television yes television because now many children who watch television programs that are not great age means that children watch television programs that should be the event for adults also grouping television shows are now not sorted according to age eg that morning spectacle for children ages 3-9 years daytime spectacle for children aged 10-14 years etc. Factors that television that may often encounter many children who imitate scenes sinetron, film that is not age. In this case the role of parents is very important that is watching what children watch what he watch for the spectacle that the child watch according to age. Music because the music of children today is really rarely different from the old days where children's music is still very much and sung children when playing together. But unlike now now the kids are even singing adult songs that they have not understand the meaning. Diacara ditelevisi in the past there are still many aired the songs for children but different best now instead just adult songs are often displayed on television. The role of parents is very important to educate children to supervise the child to be a good child sholehah dutiful to parents as well nusa and nation. Thus the role of parent no 1 in educating develops supervise the young generation of this nation in order to become better again. For that as a parent must educate children from birth with religion, with a strong religion who was educated from birth in the future the child will hold fast to religion also avoid negative things. Keep an eye on the association of the child so that he does not fall into bad relationships. Create a family environment as the most comfortable place for the child, if comfortable then the child will be much more open to us to tell and confide about what happened is also the problem experienced.
Never yell when the child is telling the truth but give a gift because he tells the truth afterwards just nasehati well so that the child does not repeat the same mistake. As parents educate the child as best as possible and as much as possible your future depends on the hands of your childhood The future of this country depends on its young generation. The child is a reflection of yourself, the child is your successor do not waste children educate in order to become a better successor for you, the country, nusa, and nation. Going forward the younger generation of Indonesia struggle in your hand.
Agama dimasa depan ada ditangan pemuda saat ini, jika pemuda saat ini rusak moral maka agama kedepan akan sirna.
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Yes you right...good job buddy..