Yes and no. I am a subject teacher and teach children with special needs ... so the classes here are different. I teach so called selected content (this is the direct translation from my mother language). And in this selected content its usually classes that are not really "mandatory" but still wanted and of course needed. So in the begining of the year I consult with the class teacher and decide what content I will have. This year I had computer based knowledge, english as second language, sex ed. and yes an art class. If I'm gonna teach art next year - i do not know...depends on the needs of the group and the class teacher decision.
Sorry for the long reply ... I do like to explain (hence the job). And yes ... in the past I ran a bunch of art lessons for older groups and "school art workshops" in regular school programs. The main point is - where there is interest - there is a way. :)
I'm glad for the long reply :) You have a difficult job with so many different subjects and difficult students. Much respect to you - many people could not do what you are doing and it is so needed.