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RE: Angsty Teens Lashed Out at Guns

in #life7 years ago

I try not to engage in the gun argument because I get triggered by the stupidity.

There's just so much that I usually and literally can't even. The fact that people continually exploit these events for their own political douchebaggery is enough to make me want to vomit on all of them. To use "the safety of our children" as an excuse to ban things they don't like, while still sending the actual children to be completely vulnerable in their potential slaughterhouse, is pretty sickening to me.

Trying to wish away gun violence with their pretentious and useless bullshit while little Billy and Sally hide under their desks and wait for a murderer to find and kill them is the perfect example of dereliction and impotence. And for parents to evade this reality...I don't even have words for them.

Actually, I do:

They're pathetic wastes of human life and their children would probably be better off without them.


Hmm, I find myself unclear about how you feel about these people.

I guess they don't realize they are being manipulated and used in a political debate that is gaining millions of dollars each time the topic comes up. NRA donations go up, DNC donations go up, gun sales go up, anti-gun lobbyist... shall I go on?

This is not about saving lives. It is about creating tension, generating support for specific parties and people, and frankly making money. It is great for media ratings as well.

It's also great for bloggers, amirite? ;)