Wow, so many lessons all wrapped up in getting the job done. Good work!
Oh, and don't forget to include Lily when she gets older. Dad taught my sister and I the basics, plus we helped him restore a '57 T-bird for hands-on stuff. So, even if I am able to pay someone to do the work, they won't be able to double-talk me into unneeded work because I was taught correctly.
Dads rock!
Thanks @aunt-deb. It's so cool to hear stories about people and their parents. I am glad you brought up about including Lily. I have tried over the last year, but somehow she always wonders off to pick flowers or play with butterflies. I am hoping since she will be 6 this year her attention span will be a little better so she will have the knowledge you speak of so she is not getting jipped by mechanics. I know it happens and it will only help her in the future. Your suggestions really mean a lot. Ty.
You're welcome! You're doing a great job with the kids. And with Lily, I'll bet she'll eventually pick up on some of it. I think I was maybe 12 & sis 10 when we restored the T-bird... so it may take a while. No rush and have fun!