What’s The Best Thing That Happened To You Thanks To Steemit? || May 30 Days Writing Challenge #3 || I have helped my mom.

in #life7 years ago

Over the 5 months I have been here on steemit, I can say really proud, that the best thing that has happened to me thanks to it it's that I am able to help my mom with our expenses.

With the situatiuon we are living right now, my mom's salary and my dad's help (my parents are divorced so my dad send us an allowance) with the months it just wasn't worth the same thing. Seeing how things were getting more expensive in the twinkling of an eye, I decided to look for an new source of money to help my parents, specially, my mom.

I was really hard when I began trying to find a web site that was worth it of the amount the time and effort you had to put in. We tries Spare5, ProTypers and Crowdflower. All of them had the same result, a failure. I even had a friend outside the country helping me to buy my cat's food. I was giving him the leftovers and somedays I didn't had anything to give him.

For the beginning of december of last year, I was running out of places where I could try something new, until a friend told me about steemit. Of course, at first I wasn't sure of it, I even thought it was scam but, I can say that I am really happy with all the results so far. We have been able to live a little better with Steemit, maybe I don't make a lot like most of the people I have seen but, I know that one day I am going things are going to change.

Even though I literraly have nothing compare to most of the accounts I follow, I am happy with I have made here on steemit, because it lets me gain something, it doesn't matter if it's a little, writing, commenting and participating in stuff that I like. The fact that Steemit lets you have a little or a lot of income writing about the stuff you like it's awesome and thinking about this, I love the fact that thanks to steemit I am able to help my mom doing something that I like.


After reading @dragosroua post, I notice we have two thing in common. I didn't learn english thanks to steemit but, it's giving a reason to improve it, since I am learning more vocabulary and using everything I've learned in the past 5 years. The other one it's money. I have learn more stuff about money that I actually like but, it was what helped me when I got my first reward, and just like you, my first purchase with "steemit money" was food, specifically, an ice cream close to where I live.

I am pretty sure there are more things, but I just can remember them now x.x but I sure that one day I am going to have more stuff that I have to say thanks to Steemit.

Thanks for reading.

Good Night.

-Andrea, @awhsarada


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