kisah inspirasi Rowan Atkinson (Mr.Bean) bilingual ( inspiration story Rowan Atkinson (Mr.Bean))

in #life7 years ago

Dalam mengejar mimpinya membuat kita sadar bahwa setiap orang bisa succes! dia terlahir dari keluarga kelas menengah kebawah yang mana ayahnya seorang petani
karena dia seorang pekerja keras, dia di terima di Oxford University selama hari-harinya di kampus Oxford, dia mulai tertarik pada akting dan sudah daftar pada salah satu grub komedi tapi di atk bisa tampil baik karena gangguan suaranya jadi dia mencoba keberentungannya dengan acting

tapi karena kegagapannya, banyak acara TV yang menolak dia meskipun semunya sulit, dia tetap percaya diri, segera, dia menyadari kalau dia bisa bicara lancar ketika memainkan sebuah karakter “ AKU MENEMUKANNYA KETIKA AKU MEMAINKAN SEBUAH KARAKTER SELAIN DIRI SAYA, GAGAP ITU LENYAP” tapi tetap, dia terus mendapatkan penolakan karena dia tidak memiliki wajah yang tampan dan tubuh yang gagah

tapi kemudian, dia membuktikan semua orang salah dan memulai acaranya sendiri “Mr.Bean”, yang mana menjadi sukses mendunia saat ini, Roman Atkinson adalah salah satu seleb terkenal sepanjang masa dan memiliki kekayaan bersih 123 juta dollar.

kisahnya mengajarkan kita bahwa untuk menjadi sukses kamu tidak perlu wajah yang rupawan dan tubuh ideal. yang kamu butuhkan hanyalah kerja keras”

In the pursuit of his dreams make us realize that everyone can succes!
he was born from a middle-class family downstairs where his father was a farmer
because he was a hard worker, he was accepted at Oxford University
during his days at the Oxford campus, he got interested in acting and has listened on one of the comedy grubs but at the atk can perform well because of his voice disorder so he tries his comency with acting


but because of the stuttering, many TV shows rejected him despite all his difficulty, he remained confident, soon, he realized that he could speak fluently while playing a character "I FOUND IT WHEN I PLAY A CHARACTER OTHER THAN ME, , he continues to get rejected because he does not have a handsome face and a strong body

but then, he proved everyone wrong and started his own "Mr.Bean" event, which became a worldwide success today, Roman Atkinson is one of the most celebrated celebrities of all time and has a net worth of 123 million dollars.


his story teaches us that to be successful you do not need a beautiful face and an ideal body. all you need is hard work "


I love this story! He is the best for me....Greetings!