Finally I own a car in Germany!! Opel Vectra

in #life2 months ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,
I have been living in GERMANY for a few years. A lot of changes happened in my life. Whoever has known me for a long time may see the changes. I finished my studies in Germany and now working full-time. I got my German driving license in 2023. But I didn’t have a car. I was driving a car from my friend to go to work. Getting a driving license in Germany is really expensive and difficult. Finally, I decided to buy a car but a used car.

This is my car after registration under local authority. I have no idea about car, not even I ever heard about Opal, Let alone Vectra. now I know it is a German brand and have a good service reputation among the users. Every day I drive more than 70 km to go to work and come back. I live far away from my workplace.
The car was completely fine, except for the cooling problem During the first day. I think it was standing for a long time, and I drove the car without further check. After coming home, I got some help from a neighbor who put some water in the cooling pot and the next day about the Cooling water. Now everything is fine.


I bought it for €2100. The car was parked in a TÜV Parking space and it has two years TÜV. so I’m very lucky that I don’t need to go there next two years. I hope the car will be fine, and I’m very gentle with my car. My family never had a car none of my family members can even drive. It is a big celebration for my family to have a car, however they cannot touch or see the car in person.

If you have any tips or experience about your car, please let me know. Especially if you ever had Opel Vectra !!!


Wow, congratulations on getting a car! I have had my license for almost 5 years but have not been able to buy a car yet.

I also bought the car very recently after 1 year of driving a friend's car. Maintaining a car is expensive but I needed it badly. Otherwise, I have to change my address and live near my workplace. I don't want to leave my city and friends. If I were living in Berlin, I might not need a car. I hope you will get it soon if you really want to :)

It really is expensive, my parents had to buy new winter tires for their car this winter and they had to borrow money from me because the new tires cost about 1000 euros. Good luck and drive safely out there.

Better to have all Weather tires. That's super expensive. Thanks and good luck you too.

Congrats on your car, my friend! It looks nice and although I have not heard of that brand it seems you looked into it and it is a good one. I wish you all the best in Germany! :)

Thank you, my friend. I am so happy about the car and Opel, a commonly used German car. The car I bought is a 2005 model. I wanted to buy a small car because of fuel consumption, but later I changed my mind. As it is a very common brand therefore it is low-cost to repair and maintain. I hope you are safe and your loved ones too from the recent wildfire.