You can't hold a green card and be a U.S. Citizen, but those titles means and are the exact same thing, they are titles of servitude.
Military stats has nothing to do with whether you go to jail or not?
Is that why they want to know when you go to jail? If you ever served?
In other words, how many cops go to jail, and does having law enforcement status mean you very much skip jail for any number of crimes, even murder.
Crime is often excused based on military and law enforcement status, saying it has nothing to do with whether you go to jail or not is not correct. A crime needs a victim, an accuser, and without the defendant being able to face the accuser there is no crime for people, but the crime of personage and barratry is all that American People know of justice. The ones committing these crimes can make as many laws, stipulations and mandates as they wish, but they don't apply to free people, who don't contract with the state, who aren't U.S. Citizens, who are Sovereigns and not servants to any such foreign interest as the federal system and their maritime Admiralty courts.
You do not need to be a US Citizen to join the US Military. If you have a GREEN CARD you can join the military. Look up what a green card is. It is a path to citizenship. Military/police status has nothing to do with if you go to jail if you are convicted of a crime, unless the Judge is biased. If an ex military man, or an ex police officer, or just some joe blow down the street murder someone, and are convicted of the crime, then they are ALL going to jail, unless like I said above the Judge is biased.