External event (Territory) is happening, we receive information with our five senses: sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing. The information translated to about 2 million bits of information (that's a lot of information!) and then get processed. In order for us to understand the event, our brain has to filter the information based on our values, beliefs, language, decisions and meta-programs (subject for another post), and he does that in three main ways:
We have many more senses than that, and some quite incredible, we have a sense of having a sense after all, a sense of presence, a sense of now, and these 2 million zillion bits/divisions or whatever "singular binary events" you deem to be happening of this presence in however many seconds/divisions of this now is built on the premise of something External or Apart which is only imaginary bound as all those divisions and make believe as all similar implied separations and divisions which have no reality, at all.
Ultimately you offer no redeeming qualities to discernment and inquiry. There is no wisdom and not one ounce of common sense, it's all deletion, generalization and internalizing, filters are what we are, or one part of us, or what presents reality to us, and it's all false and no ground for true or real is here. All who seek actuality in this nonsense will adopt make believe as Objective. It also give only doubt. Doubt all information received by the five senses, after all your filters are REAL!
No, the body does it's things when I am asleep perfectly fine without me directing it keeps doing its things, and what I can direct is attention and at that it's equal to observing but what I am observing is not what I am, so the thoughts, the attention itself, the body are not I. Essentially I am not the apparatus that sees the unfiltered, nor the filter, nor the actor simply because I am what is aware of all of that. The internal dialogue and "filters" cease and I am unaltered "external" reality, the external reality ceases and I am there, aware of the indescribable, without body, always present, constantly "now".
My map is built with meanings, and values, and importance and practicality and ultimately wisdom.
It could be, or... It could also be the way you perceive things :)
The fact alone that two people can take out of this article two different meaning shows us the "maps of reality"
and the "Filters" at work.
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