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RE: Mustang - Part III

in #life5 years ago

I told you, but you didn't read it. The reasons this matters are lost on you, since you are instinctively defending your beliefs from facts. As this discussion proceeds, it's becoming more clear that is your only purpose in it. Since that confirms my theory by revealing the theory correctly predicts future events, I do appreciate it.

How cute, you predicted someone questioning your theory and that only reinforced your theory, and you appreciate that reinforcement of YOUR theory.

Ego Much? If you had any unbiased bone in you, you'd go back and recognize what a giant ass you've made of yourself by assuming not only what Continents are defined as (strict geographic criteria) but by the numerous assumptions and "indicators" you almost expected (muh bias?) from me, and all the while, you've spared no chance to be a hypocrite by accusing me of both not questioning and of whatevering, of ad hominems and avoidance. Keep bloviating about how I support the overlords, and more power to that overlord hate group you're trying so hard to gather, and keep psychoanalyzing me, I know you don't care, but you do appreciate that I am confirming your predictions.


It is not disagreement that I predicted, but the very form of disagreement you have modeled perfectly. You have too powerfully expressed the acceptance of propaganda to even read and grasp the OP. Indeed, you didn't even read all of it LOL.

I did not define continents singularly and alone. Many people that noted this indoctrination in their youth have pointed out the inconsistency in that inclusion of Europe as a continent. I have pointed out multiple times that no matter how you define a continent, Europe is not one.

That fact, not the minutae of this or that definition, is relevant. You.Can't.Address.That.Fact.At.All.
