15 Health Benefits of Pete's Body

in #life8 years ago

Here are some of the benefits and advantages of petai for health :


1. Relieve Depression
The first excess of petai is, the benefits of bananas to relieve depression that occur in a person. Apparently, tryptophan substances contained in petai is a factor that led to a regression of depression in a person. Here is the effect of tryptophan contained in pede:
- Make the body become more relaxed
- Can improve mood and emotional state
- Make the body feel happier

2. Can cope with PMS disorders PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome) usually can make a woman quickly changed the mood and emotional condition. By eating a banana, it will help stabilize mood. This is the effect of tryptophan. In addition, bananas also contain the benefits of vitamin B, especially vitamin B1 to regulate blood sugar levels, and also can help improve one's mood. 


3. Prevent anemia
Petai seeds or fruit itself was able to prevent the occurrence of anemia in man. This is due to the benefits of high iron content contained in this pete fruit. Anemia itself can result in:
- 5 L (fatigue, weakness, lethargy, limp, limp)
- The body was not powered
- Easy mild disease
- Easy dizziness and nausea
- Unable to perform daily activities with
By eating a banana, some of the above symptoms can be prevented and will not appear on yourself.

4. Lowering high blood pressure Some studies suggest that fruit bananas can help lower high blood pressure or hypertension. Hypertension itself can be caused by many factors, which can result in: - Easy to anger and quick to anger - Increased risk of developing chronic diseases, such as heart - Easily tired - The consumption of petai can help reduce the risk High blood pressure or hypertension that affects, and can reduce symptoms caused by hypertension. Efficacy was also able to: - The benefits of papaya - The benefits of cucumber - The benefits of squash 

5. Improve cognitive abilities How is it a fruit or a banana seeds can improve cognitive abilities? It turned out that banana fruit is high in potassium, which can help one in improving cognitive abilities. The cognitive ability involves many things, among others: - Ability to remember - The ability to perform pattern recognition - Ability to perceive through the senses British research confirms this, where students who ate bananas at breakfast to lunch, can work on the problems quite easily. 

6. grab and tightness due to glut Pete's benefits when consumed, has an effect called antacid effect. This effect can help you to reduce the feeling of fullness and tightness in the chest caused by a glut or too much eating, bananas can help relieve the tightness and pain. 

7. Eliminate itching due to mosquito bites Not only fruit or seeds are nutritious banana, banana skin proved to have efficacy and benefits. One of the benefits of a banana nut shell this is to reduce and relieve itching caused by mosquito bites. Here's how to reduce and relieve itching by using a banana skin: - Take the inside of the banana skin - Rub-rubbing the inside of the banana skin the itchy areas of skin because of being bitten by mosquitoes. 

8. Prevent Obesity In addition to having a high fiber content which can bind fat, benefits bananas can also prevent obesity in other ways. Some studies suggest that the factors that lead to obesity is a factor of stress, depression and stress. By eating a banana, can reduce the risk factors, so it will be protected from obesity. 

9. Good for the health of the stomach Petai fruit or seeds proved to be extremely friendly to the human stomach. Although eaten raw, this fruit does not cause bad effects to the stomach. Instead of fruit or a banana seed is very good for the stomach, because: - To neutralize stomach acid - Reducing irritation and wounds on the stomach - Preventing infection in the stomach 


10. Can lowering body temperature
Pete benefits believed to be fruit or seeds may help lower the body temperature. Fruit or seeds of a banana is known as cold fruit, which will lower the body temperature.


11. Preventing stroke
One study that revealed by The New England Journal of Medicine, said that eating bananas can help to reduce the risk of stroke in a person.

12. Help to stop smoking
You want to try to kick the habit? It turned out that the amount of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, potassium, and magnesium contained in the benefits of a banana can help in stopping smoking. It can also speed up the effects of nicotine withdrawal that enter the body.


13. Containing antioxidant
Petai fruit or grain is also one that has a high antioxidant benefits. This high antioxidant that helps the body to counteract free radicals that enter the body. In addition, antioxidants may help:
- Maningkatkan immunity and endurance
- Prevents the body infected with various diseases
- Good for your health

15. Rich in Vitamin A It was the green also contains vitamin A which is good for health. About - about 100 grams of seeds or fruits can petai contains approximately 299 IU of Vitamin A. The benefits of vitamin A itself is important for the body, which is useful for: - Maintaining eye health - Prevent the occurrence of disorders of the eye - To maintain the health and endurance - Benefits Pete for Troubleshooting Digestion Petai fruit or seeds have a very high fiber content. Very high fiber content of this course will be very useful to prevent digestive disorders that you experienced. Disorders of digestive disorders frequently experienced include: 1. Constipation 2. Diarrhea 3. Difficult defecation or small 4. Abdominal pain 5. Heartburn heartburn 6. fullness Keep in mind, although it has many benefits, but not too many eating petai, because it will cause a bad odor. This will make you and those around you feel uncomfortable with the odor generated. 

May be useful 

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