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RE: Lessons from the Libertarian In-fighting. Part 2

in #life8 years ago

I don't think that the Pareto Principle is gospel. It's kind of like the golden ratio... there is nothing magic about these proportions. You can find all sorts of patterns if you're looking for them. Assuming they have valid application across a wide range of subjects, or that things are somehow pre-determined to conform to them, is unscientific, intellectually lazy, and depending on how they are used, even dangerous.

I guess it just jumped out at me as a sweeping claim that is too broad and vague to have any utility. Yet it sounds good and fits into an ideology of apologia for inequality and oppression in many forms. If only 20% of the population is really contributing anything to society, it quickly becomes a justification for demonizing and mistreating the other 80%... This sort of thinking has led to great tragedy often in history, and even more frequently it contributes to a status quo that subjugates the masses to prop up economic and political elites.

Besides all that, in order for that particular statement to hold water, you'd have to define "value" in a very narrow sense to quantify it in a way that can be measured. Value is inherently subjective and defies quantification. Any metric that I can imagine to use in an attempt to quantify it would be inherently flawed. Similarly "bringing" the value would be difficult to measure... virtually impossible unless you are examining a very narrow and simple case.

I find it disconcerting on a number of levels.


So I'm gonna skip through all the "intelectually lazy", the "dangerous" and all the inflated words.

I'm gonna treat you with respect (not faking it, I mean it).

This post is very clear, very concise. It's about the witch-hunters.

That's the aim of this, that's what's important here. let's not drive the conversation away.

You can write a post debunking the pareto principle and I promise you, I'll read it.

As I said, with respect.

With all due respect, I was trying to discuss ideas... seems you're more interested in talking about people.

I don't know about these witch hunters, I thought the post had something to do with Libertarianism. I apologize.

What? I just encouraged you to write a post about the other subject and we'll discuss it there.

Or PM me if you want.

This post has to do with lessons from the libertarian in-fighting where the lesson is about: Witch-hunting.

This is the subject discussed here, but I'm glad to discuss anything else you want elsewhere.

What will never happen is that I'll fall for it, and let the message be distracted by something else.

It just ain't gonna work here. :)

No need to appologize, I was clear and concise. I'm happy to discuss anything else you want. Just not letting the discussion get distracted.

We can encourage discussions about witch-hunters here. And talk about other stuff there. :)