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RE: Mansplaining: Thoughts on it from a man.

in #life8 years ago

Very interesting discussion. You are right on the hypocrisy by women that is unacknowledged.
A number of years ago, I was the editor of an online journal called that ran a couple of years, so I have been a part of empowering women, as well as getting women to see their own shadows.

I have never been one to defend women at all costs, in fact I repeatedly challenge women on a lot of their victomhood mentality. I get men, I have always surrounded myself with male friends over female ones. Growing up I experienced much turmoil and pain at the hands of a distorted, broken mother . It took me decades to heal my psyche from the effects of that, and met others both male and female that had unbelievable experiences with very dark and disturbed mothers.

I also can see the chicken and the egg question and how they came to be broken in a patriarchal world.

We don't talk about the dark aspect of women, and until we start as women to be honest about how we abuse our power too...we are not going to get men to really listen to us on how they abuse their power.

I think this time is really all about us understanding power...the microcosm and the macrocosm...empowerment and abuse of and vibrations...personal energy and powering the world's energy needs...distributed power...and emotion which is energy in motion. It is all connected and we have much to share with each other if we can get real.

Good post!


You sound like a very together lady. I really loved what you said there. I'm all for uniting the sexes, all of my work everywhere is centred around trying to reach people through compassion, and I'm always at the forefront of challenging victimhood.

Most of my published work is talking about subjects that aren't really talked about. I had one published the other week about challenging the mainstream idea that men are too forward with both their physical presence and their words when it comes to hitting on a potential woman partner. But actually, I've experienced entirely the reverse. Being a slim and toned handsome young man (before kids lol, my face has literally melted and my stomach ballooned) I was always having my bum pinched, having my privates groped and outright pleas from women to 'have sex with them' - but sadly this is perceived as a natural and a good thing in the man world, when it's just as annoying and aggressive

"but we're men, we like that"

It was actually amazing the men that came forward out of the woodwork after the article was published.

But I'm totally not taking away the years of Patriarchy and the total imbalance of power us, as men have it! Just that, things happen to us too, but we don't talk about it like women do. We aren't great communicators.

I can't say to my friend - "shit, I've just had a spot crop up on my chest, I'm scared" - but I expect a woman can.

There's so much to talk about, we seem to be trying to get one over each other rather than making strides to communicate and help one another.

After this discussion I'm looking forward to talking with you about #project-positivity - perhaps that's also something we could do at a later date - gender issues from a male and female perspective. I'd love to work with you on that one! I would expect we're on the same page.

Also for the record both my parents were seriously damaged lol.

Thank you for the great reply! For the record both of mine were I think I was more forgiving because my dad was a Vietnam veteran...which is a whole other subject for me!

I don't know if you mentioned project-positivity, because you know I am one of the people doing the show with William Banks? I will actually be the one interviewing you! I was reading your posts for research and to get a feel for your background, interests, viewpoint and goals with the project. I love what you are doing and am excited to interview you! This post moved me along with some other powerful ones about your journey that you have shared. Deep, authentic and real. Thank you for leading on that.

Yes! I knew you would be - that's why I mentioned it - I sort of frothed at the mouth in excitement when I saw what you posted - knowing that your view aligned with mine! Haha. So, sorry for being overtly enthusiastic! I was asked to give you questions - but I think it would be more 'real' if you come up with your own. Put me on the spot, make me stutter, make me think!! I'm trying to keep it real with project positivity because the best lessons learned in life are the harsh truths!!

My whole online persona, everywhere, is from a place of deep truth :) - lots of great questions you could ask me!

I ask that you just pop onto at some point and drop me a line in pm about times just so I have an idea :) - I have a busy day tomorrow, school meetings and such!

I adore your energy, so refreshing! Yes I agree, I don't do rehearsed well. I want to be in the deep...and ask the next question from the discussion that unfolds. Glad you are on the same page.

I am still working on logistics with William, he has been trying to get me to do a show on crypto/blockchain topic for months. I have not felt ready, even though I am in a blockchain development company I still feel lost in the learning curve! He sprung it on me after he was already planning it and asked some people to be had no choice but to swim! He knows me well, haha I think I would have backpedaled forever! Now I am liking the idea, I think it will be a lot of fun! And I am planning another of my own now that is not cryptocurrency focused, but interviewing Rising Starfish;-) like you from Steemit. You heard it first. I am still formulating the show concept and will post soon.

I haven't ventured to Steem chat yet. I will tackle that tomorrow and work out the deets with you after William and I have finalized how we are going to schedule this. Thanks!

Awesome! Sounds great, thank you :)

Oh, um, hint! My skills lay in community and people development, communication, management and project management - as for technical questions on the blockchain and cryptocurrency I'm still learning! I mean, I've had a personal interest in Cryptocurrency for years, but don't know much about the technical aspects! :D

@lifeisawesome @alechahn We had a strategy session last night about the show and realized we need a little more time for development. Alechahn the co-producer needs to push this to early next week. So you can relax over the weekend. I will be in touch to schedule our interview.