My daily goal - 001 (12/07/2017)

in #life8 years ago

Hey everyone this is my first daily goal blog post. Why I started these daily goal sires that I explained on my previous post. Post link below.


Today's expected activities list:

7 am to 10 am

  1. Make a YouTube Video
  2. 1 post no Steemit ( That is I'm writing now )
  3. Add 2 or 3 new product on my eCommerce website (

10 am to 2 pm

  1. Printout pending orders invoice from my eCommerce business website (
  2. Then collect product on a bag and go out for delivery in Dhaka city. Today I have 5 Fidget Spinner order but I'll only deliver 3 Fidget Spinner two Metal Spinner and 1 Plastic Spinner. Delivery process may take two hours.
  3. Try to connect my old Website client. (I'm a WordPress Professional I had a service website

Metal Fidget Spinner eStore BD 3.jpg

2 pm to remained day

  1. Try to product source for my eCommerce.
  2. Do some development work on my websites.
  3. Try to learn something it's maybe Programming Language or Digital Marketing
  4. At last write once again a Steemit post about my this daily goal activity.

Thanks, all of you for reading it.


Good Ambition Brings Many Rewards. Good For you Friend.