Really, Sunday! News fly in like a mosquito with a moustache ready to kill your eardrum with their sound.
It is sad seeing how a marriage can just end like that. It makes it hard for young people to venture into it. I mean, we are meant to be together forever, eh?
Yeah, my first marriage was a disaster but I'm glad I didn't have kids it would have been ten times worse. It's such shame for the kids though. A curse on adulterers!
I am sorry about that. And truly, the moment kids get involved in marriage, I believe both oartener should know how to live life well.
Parenthood brings out more maturity in people and breaking those children hearts because you can't just keep your legs tight for the person you've chosen as your forever or keep your third leg where it should be is insane.
It is insane. I know there are huge pressures in bringing up children but you kind of owe them a bit of effort.
Yes, there's a very huge pressure in raising children. Geez, if you had to look at the pressures, you won't even want to have any. But, then the beautiful part of it always shines brighter and with that demands an effort to make it brighter.
You are on point, and your wife and kids are glad to have you.
And in own special wayi all glad to have them 😀
I guess sometimes people aren't always thinking babies when they do the baby making do!
Haha... that's good.
Lol, that's true.