Signs You Attract Negativity (And How to Change Your Luck)

in #life8 years ago


Does everything seem to go wrong frequently? Maybe, you are in a bad mood a lot, and you meet other people who are ill-tempered. It's clear you encounter bad luck far too often. Could it be you attract negativity, and your poor fortune isn't random?

Signs you may be a magnet for negativity

Some people invite negativity. If the description sounds like you, don't worry. You can improve your luck, but let's get to that later. First, look at signs that reveal you attract misfortune.

If you draw negativity to you, you experience adversity on a regular basis. You're aware your bad luck arises more often than it seems to for other people, and you can't understand why. Once one thing goes wrong in your day, you can be sure another is tagging along close behind. The people you spend the most time with are moody, and you aren't satisfied with any task you accomplish. In fact, your life is challenging to say the least.

How to change your luck

The good news is, there's a reason you attract negativity, and you can change your luck. Misfortune comes to everyone's doorstep occasionally, that's the way of life. However, regular adversity arises when individuals are stuck in a negative way of being. Some would say they vibrate at a low frequency. Others might explain such ill-fate as cause and effect. Knowing you are the catalyst for bad luck means you can turn matters around. You can attract positivity instead of a raw deal.

The domino effect

As you've noticed, one difficulty can lead to another. Life's trials don't have to be multiple though. What's really occurring is that when something goes wrong, your mood dips, and you expect another misfortune to arise. Your expectation makes you seek bad fortune, if only unconsciously. You look for potential mishaps in an attempt to avoid them. Doing so, though, makes you hyper-aware of any event that goes awry.

To stop the domino effect from happening you need to change your mindset. Rather than imagining the worst that could occur, think about the best that may happen. Consider the most favorable scenario playing out. See it in your mind, using pictures and sounds. Also, remember there's never a single possible outcome to any event; there are many. Indeed, there are limitless possibilities.

Open your mind to never-ending potential by playing a creative game. Think of how many uses there are for an everyday household item. Set a target to work toward, like 100 uses for a chair, and get to work. Don't stop until you reach your goal. Practice the game whenever you catch yourself limiting positivity.

Sometimes, the domino effect takes place in relationships, which is why you meet ill-tempered people. If you're in a bad mood, you inspire a bad mood in others. Also, as your mind is set to encounter negativity, you also see it everywhere you go.

Change your focus, and your mindset will change too. When you recognize you're irritable or sad, be aware of the subjects you entertain. What topics fill your mind? Are you thinking about how dissatisfied you are with people or events? Maybe, you're thinking about the past or anticipating an unhappy future. If so, stop! Change direction.

What you focus on grows, so thinking about how you are fed-up with your life makes matters worse. You'll overestimate how awful things are and attract more negativity. To draw good luck your way, count your blessings. Think of uplifting subjects. Likewise, watch funny TV shows and spend more time with people who are happy. Positivity is catchy. The positive vibes coming from outside you will help you feel better and turn your luck around.

If you recognize you're a negativity magnet, don't contemplate the unfairness of the situation. Use the knowledge you are in charge of what you attract to inspire good luck. When you get into a negative way of thinking or behaving, change tack. Alter your focus and start to attract the good luck you want.


nice post inspirational and positive thank you!

Very nice. Thank you for sharing this.