- Sugar
- Rancid Fats
- Trans Fats
- Refined Grains
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
- MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Denatured Proteins
- Refined Salt
- Food Additives
Let’s pick a random ingredient listed that is most commonly used in almost any gluten free food, lets pick refined grains! The grains that usually replace gluten in gluten free products can be any number of the following..amaranth, arrowroot, buckwheat, corn, flax, millet, quinoa, rice, sorghum, soy, tapioca, and teff. Also commonly used are potatoes. Refined grains have been stripped of any health promoting substances. They are pure starches which have the same effect as sugar on the body, and are highly inflammatory and pancreas taxing. Gary Taubes in his latest book, The Case Against Sugar, sites some research that was pioneered by researchers at Oxford University in the late 1970’s in regards to refined grains in what would later be called the glycemic index, “The more refined or processed a carbohydrate, and the less fat and fiber accompanying it to slow its digestion, the greater the blood-sugar response, and thus the more insulin required to metabolize it; or, as Cleave might have phrased it, the greater the strain on the pancreas.” The glycemic index is an index of all foods and how quickly they spike ones blood sugar, when a particular food is eaten by itself. Has anyone ever heard of diabetes? If you haven’t (very rare), do a search online, theres no shortage of information about it. This is just one example of how gluten free products can very quickly lead someone down a path of ill health.
Why is Gluten Avoided Anyways?
Besides all of the marketing to promote gluten free junk foods and those who want to jump on a current diet fad there are actually numerous health benefits to avoiding gluten. It could be prescribed from a nutritionist, doctor, health coach, a caring family or friend, or of course someone spreading information online that ignites someones motive to eat this way. The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness mentions that as many as 18 million Americans may have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, there are many more than that, no doubt. So ditching the gluten makes sense. To list just a few effects of gluten when consumed…
- Inflammation
- Chrons Disease
- Celiac Disease
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Food Allergies
- Food Intolerances
- Headaches
- Arthritis
- Cancer
- Acne
- Eczema
- Other Skin Issues
- Obesity
- Enough Said..
Years ago I read an awesome book about gluten by James Braly and Ron Hoggan, Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal Grains May Be Hazardous To Your Health. Here is a piece out of that book that has been branded in my head for life, “If you put gluten in a petri dish with human internal organs, the gluten damages these tissues. If a gluten-sensitive individual consumes gluten, he or she runs the risk of damaging organs and tissues throughout the body.” When I first read that it was an eye opener and this is one reason why gluten should be avoided by most people. There is nothing wrong with avoiding gluten at all. It is so hard for many to stop eating it though, always wondered why that is. It makes perfect sense once you realize that gluten has a morphine like response inside the body and is very addicting. In gluten free foods the addiction is still met by the amounts of sugar and starches in these products. In fact Candace Pert in her brilliant book Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine mentions that consuming sugar is comparable to consuming a schedule 1 drug, and I agree with this from what I’ve seen with others and myself. “Relying on an artificial form of glucose—sugar—to give us quick pick-me-up is analogous to, if not as dangerous as, shooting heroin. The artificial substance is utilized by the body in the same way as the natural form, but, like a drug, it floods and desensitizes receptors, thereby interfering in the feedback loops that regulate the availability of instant energy” Think about that one next time you’re craving some fancy gluten free product. Could sugar actually be the “gateway drug”? These are only a few reasons why gluten consumption isn’t favorable for good health, incase you thought I was all for consuming it, not a chance. So it seems that either way isn’t very healthy, gluten, or gluten free products. There actually are ways to have health promoting gluten free products, and ways to lessen the health destroying effects of them if one chooses to enjoy them.
What Gluten Free Should Really Be Like
There is a picture of a haul of mine from a farmers market recently. Notice it is 100% gluten free and there is no junk. Ok let’s be a realistic, sometimes people want treats, and I’ll be honest, every now and then I do enjoy some tasty gluten free snacks, that are not very healthy. And once in a great while I will eat some gluten, and my body tells me wether or not it was a good idea, usually telling me it was a bad idea. Here are some things to look for when picking out gluten free products, and a few ways to consume them to lessen their harmful effects on the body. A few simple things to look out for…
- Sugar Content
- Hydrogenated Oils
- Vegetable Oils
- Total Fat Content (Should Be High if High Starch)
- Is it Organic?
- GMO Free?
And a few simple ways to lessen the harmful effects of these products if choosing to consume them…
- Never Consume on Empty Stomach
- Fat and Protein Source w/Products
- Butter, Heavy Whipping Cream, Coconut (any other high natural fat of quality source) are Tasty and Healthy to Pair w/Products
- Have a Strong Metabolism from Everyday Eating/Moving
- Consume Rarely (Use as a treat, not a staple to diet)
- Consider Enzyme Supplements to Help Digest
What gluten free looks like to most people…
In closing, are most gluten free products health promoting? Nope. Are most gluten free products more expensive than they should be? Yep. Do any of them taste good? Some do. When it comes down to it we all have choices to make with everything in life. Some may choose to enjoy these products frequently, thats their choice. Some may chose to not consume them and wish that they did, thats their choice as well. And then there are some hardcore people who never will. All in all every now and then it’s a treat to try something. There are many creative recipes out there to try. Nancy Cartwright once said “Life is a paradox, you ‘re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” I guess either way in the end it doesn’t really matter what side we are on. As long as we were able to enjoy ourselves and enjoy good health along the way. Oh, and that we were able to enjoy one more thing…NOT being fooled by marketing labels!
Awareness and vitality,
great writing
delicious food
Thanks, Yea the farmers market food! 💪🏽
Very inspiring once about the importance of diet and health. I spent a few minutes to finish reading thoroughly to get the reading point. In addition, you write with extraordinary ability. Thank you for sharing @barberocaico!
Thank you, glad you saw it of value.
Wow! A remarkable article about a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for sharing, sir. 👌💪
You’re welcome. Thanks for finding it valuable.
awesome information on health, fresh food
Thank you. Yup! The real stuff