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in #life7 years ago

I don't believe this:

Each person has his own battles that he will have to liberate in the spiritual world with the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ...
Because he has said that he has not left us alone and that he is going ahead of us, opening the way, breaking hills and opening doors and the road where there is none.

I don't think it's biblical. There are some problems in life that are never resolved. No matter how much we pray. Because sinful people refuse to repent of the evil that they're doing to us. Or because we can't get hired for the job that we went to college for and used to do. There can be parts of our lives where the doors are closed and God never seems to open them.

I'm 59. I have two sisters that still hate me for things that happened 30 years ago or more. One goes to church and claims to be a Christian but she has absolutely no fear of God.

My first wife had two stillborn children before she died at the age of 30 back in 1992. I had a hard time working after that. I couldn't sleep or concentrate. I lost my accounting job. I've never had a permanent accounting job since. I did temp work for awhile. I had my own eBay business. I've spent the last four years working part time for an animal shelter. It's now been 10 years since I even did temporary work although I worked for the Census for 5 months back in 2010.

If you're young in the Lord it's easy to think that God will give you victory over all your problems. But that's not reality.


It is true! there are problems in life that will never be solved. But in the end everything remains in God's plans and in the decisions we have made. We have enough examples in the bible of people who had terrible moments, but they never denied their God for what was happening to them or their faith because of the criticism they carried.

Jesus said that in the world we will have afflictions, but that we trust that He has overcome the world. He also tells us that the disciple is not greater than his lord so if they spoke ill of him, they tried to kill him many times, they slapped him, they hated him, they rejected him to death. Do not expect that in this life we ​​go a thousand marvel because it will not do so.

To be a follower of Christ, is to suffer and bear the marks of the GOSPEL, I clarify that not all the time we will be wrong, but the bad day will always come. Again I say, the bad day not the bad life.

Beloved, do not be surprised at the trial fire that has come upon you, as if some strange thing happened to you, but rejoice because you are partakers of the sufferings of Christ, so that in the revelation of his glory you may rejoice with great joy. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you. Indeed, on their part, he is blasphemed, but for you he is glorified. So, none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evildoer, or for meddling in what is foreign; But if anyone suffers as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God for it. Because it is time for the judgment to begin with the house of God; and if it first begins with us, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? Y:

If the righteous with difficulty is saved, where will the wicked and the sinner appear? So that those who suffer according to the will of God, entrust their souls to the faithful Creator, and do good. (1 Peter 12-19)

PD: I support you in the part that our problems will not always be solved, and that the text that we have commented is full of excessive spirit. But in the same way, we should not lose our hope or let our faith decay that God can change our situation, because this way we show ourselves to be like children, who always believe in spite of the fact that other plans are in Papa's head.