My lawyer stuff for my injury is going better than expected currently. So there is that.
This whole mess with being run over is also an Inside Job by the state
It is funny because when I do not hear from you, I do actually miss you and know you deal with stuff too.
I just busted my ass here the first 12 months, replying to EVERYONE and EVERY comment.... on every post. Literally doing my best and checking on people....
I do a couple things people disagree with, lose a ton of support and get left for dead when people start making money on their blogs or getting 10 comments a day....
I was doing on average 60 comments a day and sometimes more, as a stats guy, I know this and everyone noticed.
I just feel sad and left behind and see all this stuff going on - I was wondering if you would understand or not.
You’re so kind wow I have no words.
Thank you so much man.
You words mean more than you know💙
Keep on doing what you do.
Every time I read what you write I start laughing because you’re so enthusiastic. That’s gold.
How you make your money is more important than how much you make.
Writing is my therapy.
That’s why I love Steemit so much. You get to connect with like minded people who get it.
You’re authentic and genuine and I got your back!:) always.
When you’re sad, think of me and an emu 🤩
Man I can’t believe that’s how you noticed me.