We do share some common "governance" systems as you know with the Queen and the Crown and all that.....crap lol, so maybe. I think as such, it definitely sets precedent as such for the UK
I played around and made a couple edits and embedded a short Marc Emery video just now too since you posted here.
Thanks for the twittery share.
People need to watch this Bill Blair character I named in the article as the former head of the largest Police Force in Canadastan. Now a key figure and elected advisor for the Feds. This part of the story is far too quiet.
Thanks I will check it out. Great work!
I could not do this when the news broke last nite, my headaches were so bad by 7 pm my time, I was offline but knew about this. Thanks man
It is useful for people like me since I try to avoid the mainstream news so hadn't heard. Sorry about the headaches!