You have raised an interesting topic, in this phrase I see an absolutely atheistic worldview in which a person is the master of his own destiny and sees his opportunities not in God's grace, but in some life factors, in his own experience, but our life experience is not worth a copper penny, if a brick falls on a smart head one day.
For people who do not know God, these statements are very individual and for some, difficulties will strengthen, while for others, they can lead to suicide, or to a mental hospital. Labor, it too, without God's grace, can not strengthen the body, but on the contrary, destroy it. Something like that :)
Your photos and watercolors are magnificent!
!BEERGreetings, Dear @bleujay, I hope this Sunday will be blessed for you!
Greetings @barski ,
Thank you for dropping by for a cuppa. ^__^
Appreciate your kind words regarding the 'Icing'.
It is true that these principles without God in the picture are purely man's efforts...and man is capable of quite a bit....when he reaches maturity of mind. Today many are not even mature of mind and as you say some can benefit from living by Principle and others do not...the ones who choose to live by Principle are positive toward Truth...(establishment truth)...and it is possible with that attitude of positive volition...they may also find themselves positive toward another Truth....(the Gospel of Christ Jesus)...which is occasionally presented here....and then positive toward the doctrines of the Word...(Doctrinal truth).
Most Principles...Timeless Truths can be found in the Word of God....Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and the Psalms especially have many Principles even before the great philosophers whose work reflect these timeless truths.
The Romans thought 'Virtue' the highest of all human qualities...but found it very hard to achieve...however when Christianity came onto the scene...many found just as you say...that it is God and His Grace which gives man the power to become virtuous....The Principles were still a truth but now they were capable through the doctrines of the Word to realize those truths for their own lives.
Always appreciate the opportunity to discuss Principles. ^__^
Kind Regards,
The period of maturity of the mind may be similar to what you want to achieve, but oh, there is a lot of cunning in it since maturity and childish ease with obedience may not intersect at one point and become the reason for arrogance and pride :) !BEER
Well said @barski ....Arrogance is always our enemy...and its skills of self-justification, self-deception and self-absorption. The shift into Arrogance (Error-gance) is the easiest of cunning as you subtle..we do not even realise it.
Thank true!
Appreciate the reblog of this are too kind!
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