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RE: Soup of the Day

in #life4 years ago

First I must say I was kind of sort of hoping for a soup recipe, I knew it was unlikely, but the hope was there. I tried looking at the picture, that was pure mind foolery going on there. my screen suddenly started having alternating black then really dark grey lines running up and down my screen. I had to look away to scroll to the next block of words, the next set of things to play out in my mind.

This disease is spreading out from America, more and more countries are becoming infected with it. It is like a lot of French men came over and started whining. Our cities now look like the streets of Paris. We have become what many Americans have fought against for two hundred years, we have become Europeans. We accept the riots, the war torn look, we accept that we have no culture of our own only those that have been brought in by asylum seeker. Asylums used to be where the crazy people went.


Yeah that image is a bit of magic. I figured an illusion would go well with a confused and seemingly contagious society.

Remember when those statues were going down, a few months back? There's a reason why many artifacts from ancient Rome are often unearthed in pieces. Pissed off people did that, and look how they turned out. What good is history though when you got a future to destroy.

We, for what ever reason even though we are told over and over again to learn from the past or you are doomed to repeat it, still have not learned from the past.