I was stressed so I went to a friends farm and hung out with Alpacas who are native to Peru and The Andes and such, they are super amazing animals. If you are stressed, go hang out with some Alpacas and run around a farm. Just get away from Humanity and chill out with retired Race Horses and assorted hooved creatures both big and small...... I also got to check out the crops growing, it was very Zen....good times!
Even got to take home a Cantaloupe and learned how to check it for ripeness....you boop its belly button which is the soft spot on the bottom. ( City Girl here, so yeah these were new facts for me)
She was super awesome to let me hang out and I learned a lot about farms such as the fact that Donkey's are kept to protect Alpacas from Coyotes and predators. Yes, even Eeyore is a badass.
Alpacas get jealous if you give one more attention and they spit like a Llama or Camel, I also learned they have two stomachs, who knew?
It was a much needed change of pace and I love living away from the maddening crowd. If I ever get rich am going to have a set up like this. Alpacas have replaced Pandas as my favorite fuzzy animal.
They're adorable!
it was fun, needed to connect with nature
When you go on an adventure, alpaca lunch. (oh that one was soooooo bad)
Yessssss. What do you think about Alpacas @fyrstikken @banjo @booster
Spider-Man, spider man!
Dude Pandas will always be my favorite. I guess ill have to check out some alpacas though maybe I will feel different. :-) :-)
They are so cute!!! This looks so fun
So beautiful!!!
I don't know, I'm not sure I trust those Alpacas. They are up to something.
Nice Post ) Battleaxe, you just replaced Pandas as my favorite fuzzy animal )
whats that? :D
Look like u had a great time...those changes of pace are needed to recharge ya battery!
City life tends to suck your energy...
I like alpaca's too. We have a few donkeys in the neighborhood for keeping out the preditors.
I like them , they look nice :))
Such an adorable animals!