There once was a lady who lived on some rather nice land. There were trees and bees and other assorted pleasantries scattered around. I'm going to just go ahead and name this lady.....Axey!
Axey was busy minding her own business and planting some flowers in pots for the patio. She was also pondering about starting an herb garden. The breeze was cold but her warm, baggy sweatshirt from Target made being outdoors quite pleasant. While trimming up a few little shrubs a strange voice was heard from below. "Axey, it's too soon to plant anything, I just want to be helpful and let you know if you plant ANYTHING now they will die!"
The nosey neighbor was at it again with the "helpful" suggestions and Axey had no choice but to wave and smile and nod like she agreed. She didn't...... she knew exactly what would do just fine in the transitioning seasons because she'd farmed before.
Axey then realized she needed to pick up some groceries and make dinner because eating is important! She was picking out some produce while yet another voice from behind chirped in..... "Oh don't eat that, NEVER eat that! Don't you know that type of fruit will induce nothing but a stomach ache and also did you know that even though it says Non-GMO, it could be a total lie. If you eat these things instead of what I think you should eat you will have horrible stomach cramps!"
Being as curt and polite as possible Axey replied, "Thanks for that advice as I've actually grown this type of food and never had a stomach issue ever, but thanks so much for the unsolicited input."
Axey finally got home and turned on some Netflix to chill out with. A knock on the door, OH NO! She was scowling by this part of the day and went to the door and put on her happy face. "Hi Axey, I just couldn't help but hear you watching a scary movie. I hope you realize the damage that watching that movie will do to your Chakra alignment...." the neighbor was about to carry on but Axey decided to just close the door with a smirk and return to her comfy chair and turn up "Nightmare on Elmstreet" as loud as possible. .......... Finally, Peace!
Axey's new boyfriend was laughing his ass off cooking Spinach Tortellini with a beautiful Pesto sauce and some shaved Truffles on top wearing an apron that said, "Kiss the Chef" Axey walked right on over and did just that!
The End (Everything I described actually happened, any Similarities to an actual neighbor are Purely Intentional)
LOL ! Of course you neglected to mention ... the neighbor was a woman ..
I never mentioned gender though.....
Did you just assume that person's gender? :P
You're a fucking rock star. I wasn't going to comment 'cause I don't have anything clever to say.
Maybe we should do a stripper initiative show, since that seems to be the most efficient way for women to be successful on this platform.
Yes it does in some circumstances seem to be the way (facepalm) but I say we don't have 'handlers' and can fuckn' do it.....
{volunteers for judge} Pick ME! Pick ME! lol
Great Idea, Anarcho-Barbie! :D lmao
:P you just launched my upvote into Space??
Bahahahaaa :D
That always sells i guess, lol
You can read what I wrote about your post here.Hi @battleaxe, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble.
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Dawn is a Genius
drops CATNIP!!!!!!!
Good story Axey with big ass..
I've been told that non-Famous % UV for you ;)
Don't go there, Man! Trust Me In This! :D
true story
I just wanted to give you some friendly advice on posting this kind of post on SteemIt, it could create issues for people who like to give helpful advice and that could be either unhealthy, rude, or offend in some manner. #helpfuladvice
Thank you so much! I feel my Chakras are now aligned! <3
...funny, I expected a FLAG? lol
hahahaha dying lol
Oh man! Why do people feel the need to jump in constantly with dumb advice?? You handled it like a badass
Wish you good luck with your new boyfriend and hope everything will work out well :)
I've missed your blogs "axey" :)
yay you're back
Axey is stickin' ;)
i love this "story"! thanks battle butt!
PS I can't inbox you anymore :( I miss chatting
Sweatshirt from Target🎯
Kiss the chef!💋 much fun tagging along with you on one of your typical days, though I could take a few tips from you about zipping my lips! @battleaxe
OMFG - I'm DMing you now :P
Omg no way! If that really happened then I give you full props for being so pleasant to people like wow. Love the ending about the cook though. Axey is awesome. Keep doing your awesome thing (like there is any other possibility..psht). Lots of love. 💜
KInda like an ANTI-Drama LLama? :D
New Sammich-Maker, Eh? ;) Sounds like
Life is GOOD !
Funny Stuff, Axey ;)
You've always been an awesome friend, thru times thick and thin!
Always appreciated your candor as well. U might better know me
as "Rob-Bot the 2nd" lol
Really ?? I guess sometimes Reality can be stranger than Fiction lol
You had me at: boyfriend... cooking... LOL!
Great story! Loved it, and loved your attitude!
thanks, he he
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