As parents we always worry about our children's growth and development.
We ask ourselves questions such as, are they reaching the correct mile stones or progressing quick enough?
There are many theories on the best things for your child and the steps they need to achieve and by what age, I believe a loved child is more important than anything else.
But here are a few fun ideas to do with your children to help improve their motor skills.
- Egg Box:
This has many applications but basically you paint an egg carton holder different colors and use painted macaroni, fruit loops, buttons or anything small that your child can sort and place into the matching colour carton. (To make this more difficult give them a tweezer to use instead of their fingers) you can also mark the spaces with numbers to help with counting.
- Play dough
I cannot emphasize how important play dough is for children, Play dough can improve your child's motor skills and their back strength which will affect their posture, ability to cut with scissors, amongst other things. (You can even make your own Playdough Recipe link here)
- String, beads and pipe cleaners
This is a great activity to do with your child.
Make and thread shapes or just have races to see who can thread the most beads in a set time frame.
Threading will help with may areas that are important for development in the future.
If you struggle with these areas doing this can help you boost these skills.
- patience
- hand eye co-ordination
- hand strength for typing and writing
To all those parents who never got a handbook on how its done, join the club we all just trying to figure this thing called being a parent out.
I hope these small ideas could help.
Surely it would help and in addition to its usefulness it helps to calculate in time.
I'm not a parent yet but i know this is going to be useful for me too someday.. thanks for sharing such useful information that can help our children and they grow and develop. @batwing
Nice dear thanks for sharing good work keep it up
Is great idea for child improve skills.
Interesting and the best thing is that things and games for children are simple
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Yes, nice ideas here ♦♦ As one who has a site featuring projects for #kids, I feel I am somewhat qualified to vote on this ..
And I think it's NEAT that with your idea to "thread shapes" (an activity that parents or children can do), the doer will enhance his/her Patience quotient.
And of course it'll REAP DIVIDENDS in the "hand eye co-ordination" area !
Thanks for a fine post
I think my Dad started worrying about my motor Skills, when I stole my first car at about 14!