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RE: Freeing Humanity From the Political Paradigm

in #life6 years ago

Absolutely. I think the miscreants who seek control at the highest levels understand the principle of mentalism as well as anyone.

I remember seeing that scene at the beginning of The Secret where the evil men were hiding this knowledge from the world and using it to their own advantage... I thought it was a silly dramatization to bolster Byrne’s marketing of the law of attraction as clandestine information newly revealed (which it no doubt was), but it turns out there’s some truth to it after all.

I figured these people were too materialistic to entertain such subtle notions, but that was a long time ago, and I’ve since learned much about how this all ties together.

I know it’s a progression, and pinpointing a beginning may be difficult, but I’m curious to know how you came to your current understanding... Did something just click one day? What inspired the shift?


I agree. I have actually been contemplating on that myself. Surely they are aware of lots of psychological and psychic phenomena they use to their benefit. Yet, I think we have an advantage because so far as I've found, to truly grow to higher levels, you need to let love into your heart which is naturally a blockage for them. Material satisfaction and power is always temporary. It makes me wonder if higher consciousness will be out of their scope of reasoning and this is why they try to limit and degenerate it. Pretty sad life that would be, if you ask me.

They're almost the equivalent of the ego on a collective consciousness level. :P

It's hard to say. Late 2011 was when I started waking up to how corrupt and truly insane society was. It kind of just clicked, leading to the rough feeling of having your reality shattered and that everything you've learned you need to "unlearn".

The realization on a spiritual level however has been a gradual shift. I've always been interested in consciousness, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and the like.. which evolved into lots of crazy outer and mostly inner experiences that have led to my current understanding.. or rather, how much I understand that I don't understand.

What about you? What led to your shift?

Oh, are you asking me to talk about myself? What a fascinating topic! You may want to put on some tea and cancel your plans for the evening...

Hahaha Well, I naturally have a slightly... alternative perspective, yet I was still caught up in the cultural paradigm of money for a long time. I hit a wall studying economics, though (the prospect of the corporate lifestyle became unbearable), but my philosophy classes had lit me up. I switched majors, and those years of mental exercise established a pretty solid foundation.

After graduating, my focus became spirituality. Then one day, seeking to delve deeper into natural law, I found Mark Passio’s seminar. He described the state of the world as “slavery”. When he said it, I didn’t know what he was talking about, but an hour later I thought, “Oh damn, I’m an anarchist”. Hahahaha

You’re right about having your reality shattered. That was a huge adjustment, and this was after studying philosophy thoroughly and having a natural anti-authoritarian leaning. It goes to show how deep the mind control is - I had a total blind spot for something I was totally equipped to see!

But as you said, those who foster this corruption of truth are limited in a way that we are not. Evil is only a perversion - it creates nothing of its own. The creative power is rooted in Love, and absent this, all apparent success is hollow, a mere shadow. Such a sad life, indeed.

The logic and morality of freedom is so obvious once you clear the block.

Personally, I’m intrigued to hear more about your spiritual journey. You mentioned some experiences... would you like to share one with me? It doesn’t need to be mind-blowing... I’m just interested :)