Sadly most of it has been found elsewhere, though I do recall some very positive writing you have shared, which I thank you for.
The concept is so simple but does require continuous effort (especially at the beginning as we develop the habit of positive thinking) that people tend to overlook it.
Look up Tom Bilyeu on YouTube. Lots of great content. There are others I won't name publicly because they use the F word too often, haha.
I might recommend Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy.
Of course Zig Ziglar is right up there also.
If I had to pick one, it would be Jim Rohn...
4 hours long, but a wealth of information
So far I have listened to about half the video and something that has stuck out the most is to not work harder at work but to work harder on myself. Something like that. Self development being more important than killing yourself for a job.
A job makes you a living.
What you seek outside of the job is what will make you a life.
I like the way he points out if doing what you're doing now isn't working all that great, maybe you need to change something. And that does start with changing yourself and then finding the right opportunity...
It's too bad a few simple principles any of these guys teach aren't taught in schools. They are much more important than memorizing dates of things and capitals, you know... stuff you can just look up on Google if you ever really need to know... haha
Awesome! Thank you so much! I will watch or listen to it.