What is Beatific?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Beatific is a universal language that is not spoken but rather felt and lived on a regular basis.

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       It is a universal thought. An idea and belief that builds an entire society and culture. Widely known and fully accepted Beatific is a home but it is not a place.

       Beatific is knowing the person sitting next to you on the flight needs help with their carry on and while they never asked for it you help them without saying a word. You simply give them a smile and tell them to be beatific. It’s knowing that the napkin you threw on the ground may end up in the gutters and follow the pipes to the ocean and end up in an animal’s throat.

Maybe it won’t but you pick it up anyways.

       It’s realizing that over-reacting about a problem isn’t solving the problem but rather making it a bigger problem. It’s also knowing that what you claim to be over-reacting isn’t what someone else claims to be over-reacting and maybe to them the reason is a good reason. It's thinking of solution to the problem rather than thinking of someone to blame for the problem because in the grand scheme of things what will that accomplish?

Beatific is a feeling and a thought and mainly, a mind set. A persistent mindset that demands you to be aware of how you are living your life with this little voice constantly sitting in the back of your head that will never leave you alone until you give it what it wants.

It’s listening to understand rather than listening to respond.

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It’s how you see things tied with how you react to things. Beatific is something you share because beatific isn’t something that belongs to you. Beatific is a call on your shoulder that forces you to listen to yourself in such way that you never even knew existed. Then it slowly floats away for you to uphold the beatific way and not because you are forced to or required to by society or some unrecognizable responsibility but rather because you want to. You want to because it’s the easier thing to do when you’ve realized that life can be a great place if you make it so and because of that you want to play your part in the whole.

It can be a simple and happy thing, if you make it so. Beatific is blissful happiness and it is lived inside and outside your mind. It starts with you though. It’s something you create and help uphold. It’s understanding you are a part of a whole and acting on it is the only way to make it so. If you do not act on it then it does not matter what you do because you will never be able to be beatific if you do not act on it.

Positive Thought with Positive Actions. This is the Beatific way.

Be Beatific


If you follow me, I will also follow you in return!@beatific, I gave you a vote!

This reminds me of The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley https://www.amazon.com/dp/0061724947/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_23EUBbJWTCZCS via @amazon

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This reminded me of the Secret Gospel of Thomas ....
Jesus said, "If those who lead you say, 'See, the Kingdom is
in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they
say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you.
Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you.
When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and
you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living
Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty."

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