Oh no, I'm simply speaking of a survival/evolutionary advantage. These days we have much more wealth than we (as a species) have had in the past and that wealth allows us to be less dependent on others - sort of.
Belonging to a group doesn't necessarily mean that one will automatically fall victim to group think. I believe this is a hurdle that we should overcome as individuals - realizing that we ARE prone to group think and to not fall into such traps while supporting each other in groups. I hope that makes sense. I believe that we are stronger in numbers, yes? But we gotta be wary of our lesser-mammalian mind tendencies, scientifically speaking.
But group think IS a problem, and I see it all over the place, even in "liberty" circles. Thank you for speaking up about it.
That's exactly the problem. Stronger against who? The very definition of the group is to go against another
Nature? Survival? Innovation?
Maybe I should explain that I'm not coming from a place that is divisive but one of cooperation - voluntary, of course.