For some people, the most important thing is to work, although inside they know they really have to set priorities.
First of all those who believe in God must
Communicate with Him every day. Talk to Him as a friend, remembering nothing is impossible for Him. One thing to remember is to hug the loved ones, mother, father, husband, children, friends, pets, It is also important to dedicate quality time those who you love. Take time every day to exercise, walk, breathe fresh air. Drink fresh and pure water.Take a tea, a hot drink, a favorite fruit juice. Incorporate protein to breakfast, live in a clean and organized environment. Read, write, share with others who need something from you.
And one last tip: If you are in trouble with
someone, a work partner, adolescent son, neighbor, remember this advise: "The hazelnuts are trapped with honey, not with beats."
I tell you I am still working in this priorities. But my desire is to be determined and to fulfill these purposes