The Overwhelming Narrative of this American Life
Successful Americans polarize into two political parties and rubber stamp professionally. This goes against what we teach in school about how free and great of a nation and society we are... but that is what we do.
The money rules and everyone follows the brand of money they feel most comfortable with. There are two brands available (see above).
When the money bets big and fucks up big... there is no public correction. Just have faith in the world view of the brand of money you feel most comfortable with. Ignore the guy from the middle east / neighborhood / out in the boonies who got screwed over for not agreeing with the world view of either of the two brands of money available for you to follow. They are losers who do not know how the world works.
In seven generations they are going to say, the left went on a crusade to normalize sexual behaviors based on theories the newest science was going to finally unveil to the world. The right could not stop the secularist profit driven machines of war. Civility crumbled as everyone competed to become heros in their own right by asserting their rights above and beyond the others.