Controversial: What Would Happen If Eating Meat Became Illegal? - "Vegan's Would Be F*cked"

in #life6 years ago


I came across this video yesterday and thought it was a very interesting subject to ponder. What if it became illegal for everyone to eat meat? This would be a vegan's dream come true, but according to Daphne, "vegan's would be f*cked." Factory farming is, of course, a touchy subject. I'm not going to go into that subject at the moment. I certainly don't like or agree with methods that include animal torture, etc. However, with the number of people in the world, if vegan's got their wish of ridding factory farming and even any type of farming in general, what would that be like for everyone? Probably not as good as they hoped for...

I honestly am coming to realize that no one can be 100% vegan. Monocropping, which is needed to get all of the grains and produce many people eat, is probably one of the worst, especially if you think of all the chemicals needed to kill and ward off insects and rodents, to the harvesting equipment that kills small animals in the process. This is something many tend to overlook when they want to "save the animals"...Although the intention starts off as a good and pure one, the struggle is real, and I think finding what works best for each person without telling others what to do is obviously best. I think it is a noble thought to want to do better for this world, but a trendy movement doesn't usually look far enough into the future, or they don't realize they are being used for a bigger agenda. No judgment from me on others who want to eat a certain way, I just find that shoving it down people's throats and telling them what to do is getting a bit out of touch with nature. This is what I've seen a lot in the YouTube community trying to do, and it's very sad. Animal products have been a staple in homo sapiens lives from the very beginning. We know generations can survive and even thrive off of them. Sadly, an all plant-based diet has not been shown to survive or thrive for over 5 generations yet, so it is still to me, considered an experiment. The other sad factor is that the government has taken control of how and what is given to us to eat. Their methods are not that great and it shows in the final product so it's not just the animal product that is bad, it's the methods it is produced that aren't optimal. I could go on, but I don't think it will be necessary at this time because this controversial thought is just to get you critically thinking on your own and/or to have a civil and logic conversation. What do you all think?

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.

Be well!

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Yes i agree with you that animals should treated with care and no one should eat whatever he or she wants not what the government want us to eat.

We will see better days for God's living creatures.

I really want to taste real food.

Most slaughtering techniques now are very swift and designed to deliver instant death so no torture is involved. I fall back on ADs teaching on this subject.

This makes me hungry... Is that bad?