Human Origins...
Did out of nothingness come everything, or was there some divine existence that created everything? It has been one of the most debated questions that have resulted in divided groups of people and even made mankind hate each other. Humanity's origins are the pinnacle of our existence and life itself. Everyone wants to know where they came from and what will become of them. Both non-religious and religious beliefs have covered these creation stories to varying degrees over the ages, attempting to answer one of the greatest questions of all times. Some cultures, such as the Sumerians, had a creation story that told mankind was created by the alien gods called the Anunnaki. Whereas the Bible states that the Elohim created Adam and Eve. Although, aren't both of those stories the same? - Something not from this world, [an alien], created human? Ironically, throughout the ages, each culture came up with their own versions, names, and experiences with the divine or what they would describe as extraordinary. Today, the Imperial Regent of Lord RayEl, Angelus Domini, posted the following video below:
From the video, Ray Comfort does a great job of debunking the point that everything came from nothing. He evokes logic and poses some challenging questions and thoughts to his audience, who mainly identify as atheist or claim to have no belief at all. If you are not sure or believe in the theory that everything came from nothing, it is a good video to watch. However, what he doesn't know or allude to is that ancient secular and religious texts actually corroborate each other and give us a fuller and more detailed picture of our origins. Mankind was truly created by something, and from the Sumerian lore to the Biblical accounts, both are correct. Questions like how was man created? Or what are the heavens? If there is a Messiah or a divine figure to help or save mankind, where did he come from? The End Game Series from the videos below will clue you into the answers of these questions and MORE.
Not only were we created by something divine, but the Creator sent His Son to help steer humanity towards a better path. Clearly, humans have done a lot of terrible things over the ages and have continued to need correction and guidance. Time after time this figure has reincarnated and come back to Earth to assist humanity on their journey. From Enlil to Yeshua, Krishna, and many others in between, finally now he is here as Lord RayEl. This divine Spirit has returned one last time as predicted by many religious and secular texts, ranging from the Torah, Bible, and Quran to the Buddhist beliefs of a King that would return and Hopi Prophecies of the White Brother [Pahana]. There should be no surprise that the world is in desperate need of a righteous ruler and King to steer humanity into an era of peace, love, unity, and correction. Do you honestly think it better that humanity has no guidance and we all just end up destroying ourselves and this entire planet? That is the path we are on if there is no one to intervene. The world leaders are doing a good job of suppressing the truth, but the truth is out there and it is up to you to seek it out! From this blog, it is a great place to start to seek the truth. Don't be fooled by the majority opinion, times are changing and thankfully, Christ has returned! He is HERE! Check out the links below for more information.
Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.
Be well!
For more information and truths about End Times check out Sanctuary-Interfaith, ABN, and The Coming of the Messiah
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It will be great when the true full story is revealed and accepted by everyone.
I can't wait!