How long do you have to be in that unhealthy unconducive relationship, do you need a suesayer or someone to tell you that your relationship is unhealthy? The hostality from your partner is enough sign for you to know that you two are not compactable?
I think it is high time you need to reexamined your and make a good decisions for yourself and your life
How to Know that you are in a Toxic relationship. On my last post i talk about one of the signs which is #Lack Of Trust which you will see then you will know that you are in a toxic relationship.
Today i am going to talk about The second signs that you will see and then you know that you are in a Toxic relationship and which is # Hustle Atmosphere.
When you or your partner have this issue of anger problem either of you will be very hustle to each other and as such, if you or your partner doesn't learn anger management the relationship is band to breakup.
Being hustle to your bae or your boob doesn't help your relationship in any way because when we talk about women there is a way their life is built, they are very emotional and remember that hustle words are like bullet once released you can never take it back.
Using hustle words on your partner doesn't help to build your relationship that is the main reasons why you should be more careful choosing your words and more over watch the words you use when you are angry. Because any words you say out of anger you can never take it back again.
You know this word that they usually say that women are the weakest sex because of the way their emotions are wired and all that, but i don't agree on that because some women have a heart man they can do imaginable things that you can not believe that it was a lady that did that so i disagree with anybody that say that women are the weakest sex.
When it come to a partner who is hustle to you as a lady in your relationship and you think that you will change him, it doesn't work that way because a hustle person is like a character there is nothing you will do to change him expect he wants change.
Ladies will tell you i want to change him or am going to change him, No you can not change a man you can only deal with his character, you are not God that can change a man.
You can not just come into a man's life and change him just like that, because before you came into his life he has being living with such character it only takes Gods grace for the man to adjust.
He will only change his character if only he loves and respect you as his woman so that the relationship will work out for both of you.
So when your partner is hustle to you it shows that you are in an unhealthy and toxic relationship, so don't be in hostility atmosphere because you will never enjoy that relationship. Because when your partner uses a hustle word on you its like a bullet once its unleashed out it can never be taking back it is the most powerful drug by mankind.
You can use your word to build someone and you can use your words to destroy someone words are like motivation if you use them properly it will help build someone's life and give it a meaning so to some people when they get angry with there words they tend to be violent.
And this shows that you are in an unhealthy and toxic relationship
I totally agree with you as it requires love and tolerance for a relationship to work if otherwise, then you are in a toxic relationship.
Thats the more reasons we should be watchful of this signs
You see, for any relationship to strive, a degree of tolerance is needed.
Meanwhile with time, the partners will learn to condone each others shortcomings, not by nagging but by approaching the whole stuff with politeness, love and affection.
Yes i know that the degree to every relationship to strive is tolerance but there is to an extent where you will losse it that you can not tolerate anymore that is when the partner have exhusted his or her patience@idunique you know the yardstick that is used to measure every relationship and marriage is compatibility, when there is no compatibility in marriage or relationship that relationship is ban to crash.